homestuck ocs

beck edwards- glitched player, functions as a knight of void and time aspect. has glitched every game he has ever played

iris windom- heir of light trans gal, besties w beck. knows a lot about old movies.

carrot tespom- mutant posing as orange, kinda grumpt bc hes worried all the time, zhazaks morrail, dmitri kismesis

lolrix exxykk- goldblood with immense psychic powers harboring the fugitive princess vuesra, theyre matesprites

gigarx chekin- lime blood punk kiddo. masquerades as goldblood, makes psionic music

kersis cerbri- little serial murderer, has eaten a cerulean before. kismesis with parrun after trying to murder her and failing

neotea phomox- olive blood, calmer, blind in one eye, page of space, auspitizing dmitri and carrot and getting caught up in drama he is stressed about

kismes zelram- smallest troll so far!! little rainbow drinker tired tired tired man. is also stressed af, has some sort of chronic pain, idk what yet

parrun iskigo- miss teal meal herself, kismes with kersis and matesprite with dmitri. okay with carrot but overall parrun is a bitch so.

zhazak fennit- cerulean social butterfly, heir of heart, obsessed with throwing dinner parties and has a lot of emphasis and quadrants. loves loves loves his matesprite neo and morrail carrot. keeps it real. sharp teeth and mind :)

vaxine zakrok- very tall, cerulean gal, streamer by night, greasy by day. hates being recognjzed in public.

fenari mistis- indigo steampunk girl who likes running roleplaying games! rules lawyer for sure, but still fun to play with

imkozi vrayix- obsessed with kismes, they have a weird  vaccilation going on. little guy, hates shoes. pretty silly for a seer of doom. tries to (ironically) look on the bright side. kismes ends up being an unwilling therapist sometimes

xemmet ginyon- an opera singer/preformer, very talented. pretends to be stoic, is laughing at you.

daylax xaynuh- violet blood, chatterbox, annoying, kismesitude with vuesra bc he thinks she could take the throne. pompous a bit

vuesra zuqqei- fuschia blood, runaway princess. i think her and lolrix have kinks for each other bc they are disgustingly in love

scenia kuween- mutant w hot pink blood,"technically a rustblood", flat teeth and sharp claws. types in bright green.