Furia AU

Personal Ira's AU where Demons take the control and rename it as Furia.
Some ocs might be dead, hiden or even like slave demons
Important note
Some stuff might be mentioned into ocs bios so I gotta put the meanings/references here
Ocs keep their og backstory, some might change barely tho
I'll do mention of some fighting styles, that they were made by me and a friend
nomenclature | Latin base + ars (technique in latin)
Elementars: use of Elemental power (Zodiac tattoos)
Muletars: use of -anykind of- weapons
Corporars: No weapons, only foot-fist way
Misars: Mixed style (ex.: Muletars and Elementars)
Sangars: Blood type (humans consuming demons blood or demons using unique and after explained techniques)

Ocs will be tagged with a Cardinal Point (North; South; East; West; + Center) and are used for their location

Center means the campus or, past then, President's house, that were took by demons after killing him; this place it surrounded by large villages and cities and is used by demons to live and make experiments with humans and other demons (renegaded ones). Then the other points (N, S, E, W) are used for locate the Squad in different points around the campus, usualy hiden in abandoned cities connected by tunnels and also have some random places in another abandoned villages if an emergency comes