📌 Race Information

📌 Race Information

Character Building

just some stepping stones

So let's say you're wanting to create your own Neuveden character.  Where do you start?  Well, there's just a few basic things to keep in mind.  Neuveden can be purely human, humanoid, with or without an animal shift, or have multiple shifts.  There's a race for just about everything, as Neuveden is a pretty open and limitless in terms of design.

The most common is a humanoid character with an animal shift.  But each race is different.  Like for example: Kiyanlu are demons.  Which will usually give them the wide range of hellish four-legged beasts to earthly four-legged beasts, the most common being hellhounds and dire wolves.  Where as something like a Nalani, who is more commonly a cat or bird kemonomimi, will usually have its shift be a full, bigger version, of their kemonomimi animal.  One instance in example, Yuji Kumiji, whom is a Cat Nalani has cat ears and tail, but as a shift can be either a house cat, or under significant distress, can become a saber tooth tiger.  The different shift abilities will me labeled specifically in each folder, so don't worry if you're still not completely sure.

After you've decided if you'd want human, humanoid and what your shift may or may not be, you need to pick an area to live, and their alliance.  The alliance isn't entirely important really, but it will in general help with the main plot and hopefully pull you in the direction of how your character may progress and their starting history on the time line.  Say if you want your character to be from Mahika Ae territory, then your character will be in good spirits with the Caber Strong Hold.  If your character is from the Lakir territories, you'll be in good spirits with the Nae Unity and may even be a doctor of sorts.  Then territories such as Lathya, which is where humans live primarily.  Again, it's not entirely important, and just because your character is in one territory, doesn't mean they can't travel the map and have individual alliances regardless.

After you've picked your race, shift, and place to live, you're basically done.  You can include them in roaming groups such as Lalaki and Nezeret. Â