✧~Depths Of Terror [E]

Posted 6 months, 29 days ago by Nicholas_St


o vo)  hello it is I

Please Witness This Monster

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Ákanthráfstis (aka "Breacher")

- Uncommon sea creature

The horns atop the end of their snouts are quite strong, and their heads are reinforced with extra thick skin and bone. On occasion, they have been  known to cause damage to smaller fishing vessels when ramming into them  at high speeds, which is where the creature earned the nickname "breacher."   [More Lore/Info]


*note: map not to scale

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The Jade Dragons are a migratory species of drakes,
Every mating season, that happens every couple years, they head to the sea to find a partner and lay their delicate eggs midst coral reefs, not every eggs hatches though, making every hatchiling and nestling more precious for it. Which, unsurprisingly makes this bread of dragon incredibly territorial, attacking anything it sees as a threat, be it boats, large sharks and whales and even other dragons, that havebeen seen stealing and claiming infants
not as pretty 

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