Adopt raffle !! CLOSED

Posted 5 months, 13 days ago by maileksa_shop

Hello Hello, Christmas isn't so far and I thought it'd be fun to host a lil' something to celebrate

So I'm hosting a simple Raffle
Price ? This Doberman baby there ↓60793886_jtu3zmeWJ.png

THIS is closed!

Our winner is the owner of the ticket #10
Congrats to masterreviewer1000 ^^

And I wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR :)


Folliwed and shared on fb! My fb is Venjfx

Tickets #14 and #15

Why not.

I think I'm subscribed here. If anything I'm also watching on the other sites.


Tickets #12 and #13


Ticket #11

Hello! I would like to enter! ^^

Thanks a lot for this. 

Bulletin Raffle Promo:

Tickets #9 and #10

Congrats you're the winner :)
I'll send you the transfer request in a moment.

Oh my god! Thank you so much for this! Happy to have this cute Doberman dog girl. ^^

Already subbed ^^ thank you for hosting 😊

Ticket #8

Subbed. So cute!

Ticket #7

Already a follower. Thanks for the opportunity. 

And here is a like to my bulletin.

Tickets #5 and 16

Followed, Thank you for the opportunity!! :3

Ticket #4

Followed :)

Ticket #3

Been subbed to both your main and store account! Here's my bulletin: 

Tickets #1 & 2