Posted 4 months, 7 days ago by zombeh

this morning i had been woken up with the information that we were over drafted 900 dollars when i had assumed my tuition was only 400 dollar installments since that's how much the first one had cost (i was told NOTHING about it eventually costing more than that.)

i've been looking for a job but the person who has been the most interested in employing me recently got sick, so that opportunity is on hold. 

for now i'm taking sketch commissions far cheaper than they are normally in hopes of getting my family out of the red ~_~

you can choose between digital or traditional. here are examples of both:


for 10 USD you will receive three sketches. for resharing this post you will get an additional two sketches.

if you would rather donate, here is my ko-fi. any donations are appreciated considering i am doing this on top of my regular freelance work and school.

thank you all for your support!

edit: i'm getting inquiries much faster than anticipated, so i will take more requests as i finish instead of taking them on all at once. but i will try to get to everybody all in one day. thank you again!

edit 2: no longer doing extra for resharing for now. anybody who has already done it before this edit will still receive the extra drawings.


hoi are these still open :)? (if so i'd love to snag one)

i hope you're able to pay off everything! and i know you aren't doing the extra sketches for resharing it anymore but I'll reshare this anyway just to help - i know it's a bit late but i'd still love to do what i can

hey! money is still tight but i'm not doing these anymore and instead am focusing on my regular commissions. 

if you're still interested in helping out or just this commission type in general then you can look into my regular sketch comms! thanks for your interest regardless

hey, i reshared your post here, i wish you luck on being able to pay off your tuition. i hope everything turns out alright 🧡 i donated a little bit to your kofi, but i would love to be able to commission you as well for a sketch page of my character ecko 

sorry for getting to this so late, i've been working up the list of comments. you can send the money to [email protected] on paypal if you're still interested

that's absolutely okay, no need to apologise 🧡 i sent through the payment + a little extra, i hope that's alright ^_^

thank you so much! the way you drew her in this is absolutely awesome ^_^ i hope everything turns out okay for you 🧡

heythere! are you still doing these! i would love to get one :3

hey if you're still interested you can send the money to [email protected] on paypal ^_^ thanks so much for your support

Hiya Hiya!!! :3 Sent you the payment over! https://toyhou.se/24384642.merlot/gallery This is the character I'm interested in <3 Thanks so much!

hey there! im so sorry, i was on a hiatus and during that time discord made their links expire... could you re-send it? thank you so so much!

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sorry for getting to this so late, i've been working up the list of comments. you can send the money to [email protected] on paypal if you're still interested

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i can take another one! you can just reply here or make a new comment like you said, i don't mind ^_^

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you can go ahead and send payment to [email protected] on paypal! thank you so much

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for sure ^^


Interested! Character in IC if you are still accepting these. 

hey if you're still interested you can send the money to [email protected] on paypal ^_^ thanks so much for your support

Ok, sent the money! BTW I have no preference for the type of sketchpage. 

i would love to get a digital one of https://toyhou.se/18936922.bice if you are still taking them! i also shared on a bulletin here, i really hope you reach your goal!!

omg thank u its perfect@!! i just sent the money over, ty!!

agh it sucks to hear that you’re dealing with this situation :[ shared your post on my bulletin over here; hope that things will resolve soon!!

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link the character and i'll get back to you soon! i'm working up the list of comments ^^

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sorry for getting to this so late! i've been slowly working through the  comments. if you're still interested you can send the money to [email protected] on paypal :J

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sorry for getting to this so late! if you're still interested you can send the money to [email protected] on paypal :]

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sorry for getting to this so late! if you're still interested you can send the money to [email protected] on paypal :]

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if u still have the time i'd love to get a digital sketch of my guy ic! hope you get the funds you need :)

for sure! could you send the money to [email protected] on paypal? thank you so much ^_^

sent! hope everything works out for you ^_^

AHH YOUR ART IS SO GOOD!! tysm i'm in love with these :DD


I made a bulletin so more people can see, and I wish you well with getting the money And donations!

I would be interested in digital art of this character


but Feel free to ask for a different one if it does not suit you

i can do this! you can send the money to [email protected] on paypal. tysm!

Sent! Np and take your time. 

Thank u so much I love it! Good luck with getting the money you need and hope I was helpful!

i shared this to try and show it around https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1714395.emergency-commissions-not-mine i hope that you can get everything resolved soon :( !!!

thank you so much uu i appreciate it endlessly

hii I'd love to help //cri I hope things work out 

But could I get a digital sketch of this character ? Tyy 

for sure! could you send the money to [email protected] on paypal? thank you so much ^_^

paid tysm!

it's beautifulll omgg lasdkasd tysmmmm !!   

i'd love to get a digital one of https://toyhou.se/8279739.ghost

for sure! could you send the money to [email protected] on paypal? tysm!

tysm as well, sent! I’m so sorry this happened, wishing you and your family the best & I hope you reach ur goal 🫶

she looks so adorable!!! I adore her in your style, ty so much!! wishing you best of luck with everything   

i'd like a digital one of https://toyhou.se/25641666.queen-katrina ! i also shared here.. https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1714378.emergency-comms-not-mine good luck man^^

for sure! could you send the money to [email protected] on paypal? thank you!



hii Id love to get a digital sketch of this girl...^_^ https://toyhou.se/25535108.joonie (note: she wears glasses and has a chubby body type) I hope your situation gets better! I also made a bulletin 🌺

for sure, you can send the usd to [email protected] on paypal. tysm for your support

tysm T_T !! I hope its ok I sent thru friends and family so u don't lose any of the money

oh my godd she looks so cute!!!! I'm so happy with how it came out she looks perfect in your style thank you sm 💔💔 I wish you luck with the rest of the comms!

I’d love to comm you for a digits sketch!

If you could draw him https://toyhou.se/22261108.rika it’d be great !! 

absolutely, could you send the usd to [email protected] on paypal? thank u so much for your support

Sent! 🫶

Thank you so much these are so lovely!! 💖💖 I’m in love with the results,, wahhh tysm again!!!

Donated through Kofi!! I hope everything gets better soon :(

i really really appreciate it, thank you so much

I'd like two digital sketches of these guys ! I also posted a bulletin abt it, I hope you get more people :]!!



these characters are a bit out of my comfort zone if you don't mind picking another pair or single character (idm either!)

Sure! What type of characters are you more comfortable drawing :o? If you can give me an example it'd be much easier to pick someone else ^^

generally better at drawing girls or ambiguous body types, cute mascoty characters, furries, ponies. a little more is listed on my characters page,

Would this little goober work? https://toyhou.se/24052772.xiangyu

If this fella works, you can simplify his design if needed ^^ And he's fem presenting if that helps too!

sorry for getting back to you so late >< i can do him! you can send the funds to [email protected] on paypal. tysm!

5 Replies

Reposted as a buletin

Can you draw her https://toyhou.se/9235953.claudine#76908816

for sure! could you send the money to [email protected] on paypal? thanks!

Sent <3

YOURE wonderful thank you <3!!

im interested in a digital sketch :3c culd you draw him?

for sure! could you send the money to [email protected] on paypal? thanks!

sent plus some! i really hope things get better❤️


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i really appreciate it, thank you so much u_u

could I get digital sketch comm of this guy 🦔? shared in hopes to get you more comms! hopefully things get better praying for you! I’m so sorry you’re having to deal with this

absolutely, could you send the usd to [email protected] on paypal? thank you so much for sharing <3

Should be sent ^^ <3 tysm!

AAA TYSMMM!! He looks so good I love this 🥺🥺

So sorry for another msg 🦔 but are we allowed to colour these? No worries if not! Just wanted to see if I could colour the right one and make it his pfp 😈 

for sure!

i would love to get a digital one of her !!^_^ i shared this to a bulletin i'm so sorry to hear about your situation hopefully things can get better soon!!

thank you so much! you can send the usd to [email protected] on paypal. tysm!

sent! thank you sm ^_^


im interested in a digital sketch comm! would you be ok with drawing this guy? https://toyhou.se/24713157.vergil

for certain ^_^ could you send the usd to [email protected] on paypal? thanks so much

sent! :3 thank you!! 

aaaa tysm!! i love it!!

i’m interested! can u do multiple characters on one page or just one character? ^_^

only one character

i’d love it if i could comm one of https://toyhou.se/24071463.atom#72628243 then!!

for sure! they're so cute. you can send the usd to [email protected] on paypal. thanks!


AHHH SOO CUTE TYSMM <3333 i love it!!!

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yup ^^ did you want it done digitally or traditionally? 

you can send the money to [email protected] on paypal

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