Posted 5 months, 24 days ago by oleaspur

hiiii a friend of mine is having car troubles and wont be able to pay the bill off without support so for a limited time im taking quick turnaround (ie will be done before the end of next week) (EDIT: i can no longer promise they'll be done in a week, but ill try my best!) comms, with a discount for bulk orders !!

my normal prices and examples are here BUT discounted prices are below (feel free to ask for other prices if u want to order more/a mixed batch):

pagedolls: 2x for $62, 3x for $85
50x50 fullbodies: no discount SORRY these r already discounted atm
100x100 fullbodies: 2x for $44, 3x for $62
bust-up blinking icons (either size): 2x for $26, 3x for $36

other pixels are ordered less frequently so i dont have prices in mind -- lmk if you want any of them though!! 

feel free to order here, via dms, or on the usual page, all using the form at the bottom of this page. thanks!


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