Adopts previews (closed)

Posted 1 month, 17 days ago by fiestatb

upd2. thanks so much to everyone who DM'd me! qAq
All 3 are now converted to semi-custom designs commissions!

upd. I saw I got some DMs already, I'll check private offers and reply to everyone a bit later today! ;w;/

Preview of some of the future adopts! These, and I have some chibi taurs in the works as well >:3



I'm open for early offers on these three (preferably above $110 for the suncatcher one and the overgrown statue-inspired one, and above $170 for the archfey; payment plans with a downpayment are ok, private offers are ok!) - and if I accept an offer I will continue working on the design with the client as if it were a custom design commission (concept, pose stay the same/can be changed slightly, but the outfit, final palette, majority of the details will be decided on with the client, I just provide the base!)

I'll leave it open for offers for a couple of days, a week max (I'll be working on commissions and the smaller adopts batch in the meantime) and if I don't see an offer I like or if no one is interested they will just be auctioned off as usual once they're finished 'v'/


DM'd about overgrown statue!


Thank you! QAQ

The statue design is so gorgeous honestly!

Thanks so much!!

DM'd an offer for suncatcher and archfey bc,,, hell yeah

definetley all a hell yes for wanting! omg. claim on you :3