So, the sublet we were trying to set up with this lady was fake. It was not real and the woman stole $1000 from me in cash and $300 from my partner. I am literally beside myself right now because I knew she seemed scummy. But she lied to us both and my partner believed her. I told him I did not want to pay her. But she convinced him and we got everything stolen from us.

So now I am an emotional wreck and I don't know what to do. The money was money I had saved for years for my college and I used it because we needed a place to stay. But the thing is, the lady claiming to lease the place conned us. When we entered the apartment today it was ransacked and it was a mess. The owners of the building are going to likely change the keys as the lady that conned us cancelled her phone number too.

So, at this point I'm basically flipping out and I feel super alone in this because I had a feeling something was wrong but no one listened.

I am selling my characters on my side account Brightstar to make the money back and my friend ScottyMachina is offering special commissions to help raise the money too. 

I am forever grateful for all of your ongoing supporting comments and if you can share this bulletin around it would help so much. It means the world to both my partner Infjlover and I that you guys care about us enough to help. This totally broke us both down today and he really feels awful about the entire thing too. Something just didn't add up right with this lady, but we wanted to believe her...

This link is ScottyMachina's commission information for anyone interested.

My partner is selling his characters too:


this is really fucking disgusting and i am beyond pissed and downright livid for you two, oh my god. you didnt deserve this, that person is such scum if the earth and i hope karma kicks them in the ass someday soon. im so fucking sorry nello, youre already having a bad enough time, im so fucking sorry

i wish the absolute best and i hope selling your characters goes okay oh my god i wish i could do more please take care of yourselves and hang onto each other

Thank you for your support. That woman is a terrible person for what she did. It seems like the scummiest people hang out in the poorest areas and prey on those who are in need. Its rediculous.

Thank’s everyone for any help you can give us!

I also have some characters for sale:

If anyone is interested!

Thanks again!

I added your characters to the bulletin honey! Thank you for sharing <3


Heya! I know this cant be too much help but I wanted to provide some info that may help in the future (this is info for the us but could be helpful nonetheless, im not sure where ur located)

Before making your payment, usually you can do a walk through, I recommend a walkthrough before anything else (record and take pictures of any damages, back them up somewhere and save them). Second, if their asking you to pay them through cashapp or zelle or paypal, its usually a scam as well. Most commonly cashapp or zelle. If its a place selling via a company, they normally have you pay through their companies app after theyve checked everyones records. Once they confirm all the records are correct and accurate, they have you then sign the lease. Usually, you need to have proof of 2 months rent + a deposit, deposit varies depending on location. For me our rent is 2300 (3 bed 2 bath with a backyard and front yard/garage space) with a 1900 deposit. Both rent and the deposit get paid through the same thing

Yes, you are correct about that. Due to our being a couple where only one of us has a job (he works, I don't) it impacted our ability to afford a regular apartment so subletting would be more affordable. However, we did what we could to try and see through her web of convoluted lies. However, the apartment looked fairly new and she appeared to be a reasonable person at first. She was friendly and upbeat saying she wanted to become an addictions counselor and that the money would help her on her work related trip out of state for her job. Being that this was originally listed as a sublet, we wanted to believe that it was legit as subletting is something that some legitimate people do. It was all a facade though. The lease was fake, the room wasn't even hers to sublet, the signature she gave us, the info she gave was all falsified.


Ah I see, I can understand being scammed like that and im sorry yall ended up being scammed, me and my partner are in a similar boat (im unable to work, we have roommates)

I still wanted to share any info I knew in case it was helpful in anyway, as I also have anxiety with moving places   I hope you guys find a new place you can actually live in with your budget though and I hope you are able to save up and get close to what you lost back

Yes, the hope is that with what we learned we can be equipped to find a legitimate place so that we can start our lives on the right foot and persue our passions together as a team. Just as we should.

Currently sharing this bulletin helps a lot and gets the news out there so people can offer on my designs and we can recover our losses. Thank you for supporting us by giving your advice, we both appreciate you taking the time out of your day to help. It means the world to us.

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Yeah its been a bit of a personal disaster for us and we are scrambling to pick up the pieces rn. Its had my partner and I really stressed out over everything. 

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We unfortunately have lost track of her now as the name she gave us was fake and because we paid her in cash the law doesn't offer the same protections for cash payments without proof that a payment was made. We have a signed piece of paper as a receipt and the fake lease agreement she created but the signature she gave us is likely forged too. We did reach out to the people that ran the apartment complex but they too do not have enough info to get an arrest as easily. If I get any updates about her or figure out where she is I will let you know but so far the trail appears to have been lost.

She's a real slimy eel indeed because she put this whole thing together in a way so that she would be able to skirt around law enforcement yet again.

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Yes, please share. I have no idea but I am praying she gets caught and spends many years in jail for all the crimes she's been committing. Scammers are truly evil people. She took money out of the pocket of a disabled person. I'm just trying to turn my life around in college and get out of the poverty my condition imposes on me and many people like me. My partner and I can barely get by as it is without people like her taking advantage of us. It was a set up from the start and I knew it. But unfortunately she manipulated us both into doing what she wanted.

6 Replies
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Thank you for the support! This situation has been very stressful and it has been a huge hit to our finances that has really gotten in the way of important things. Just hoping to sell some characters and make back some of what was lost.

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Yes, thank you again. It means a lot to know you care. 💙

This is such an awful situation to be in, I hope you manage to recover the losses! And can find a place for you and your partner 

Thank you, we are hoping that if we can recover the funds from sales, we can begin the search again for a better place to live. Right now we are staying with friends until we figure things out. This is a horrible situation to be in and it has completely wrecked our hopes that we can find a legitimate place to live in our budget.

Also to answer your other comment, no, she was not an employee as we reached out to the building manager and found out the truth. She lied about everything. Her bank statement was fake too even though it looked legitimate. She was staying as a tenant in the building for only two weeks but her fake check kept bouncing every time. So, she was being evicted from the apartment she told us was hers.

Holy crap that’s insane! So she wasn’t even an employee or anything but a bad tenant pulling that scam? I’m always suspicious about people who say they’re looking for someone to take over their leases it’s always so sus. I wonder though if the property manager or owner would be willing to work something out with you anyway for a unit? Long shot but may be worth asking?

I dunno, the price of the unit was really high but there is no harm in asking them if they are renting it out in the future.

oh my god??? i am so so sorry, i would help out financially if i could - will definitely share. ugh people can be so evil. i really am so sorry for both of you...

Thank you sm, this is an awful situation to be in and it has us both very shaken and hurt right now. She has all but disappeared online as of now and we have begun to realize the name she gave us was in fact likely a fake name or a stolen identity.

So sorry this happened to you; hope things'll get better for ya

Thank you I appreciate your help. It means the world to both of us right now.

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Yes, all characters on storage on Brightstar are for sale currently.

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Ideally I'd prefer to sell the twins (Bambo and Ringo) together since I'm kind of tentative about splitting them up.

But if I was to decide to split the twins up; Bambo and Dreamer (scpkid dragon worth $250) would be around $450 or so together. If you mean the vhsdruid unicorn I renamed Dream then I would sell them for $160 (I have a few unposted sketches of them though that I need to upload), however, I'd probably only sell Bambo for around $200 or so since I got him and his twin together with part of their value paid in cash and the rest for a high value character too (had to look it up again in my messages.) Also, Totally didn't realize I had two designs with the same names. DOH!

Let me know if you are interested in working something out though! Keep in mind I am always open to quicker messages through my discord. Also, all characters on the side account are open to offers, however, some that were in my storage folder are a little more tentative than others. I moved a lot of them around though and marked the more tentative guys with my asking prices. I am willing to flex on some of the prices of the ones with OBO after their names though so feel free to shoot me a fair offer.

Ik you linked your side acc but would you ever consider offers on main? I'm sorry this happened

I don't think I would sell my mains. They are far too personal. I am only looking to sell designs on my side currently.

Ugh, people are so awful. Scammers are everywhere now and it's just disgusting. 

I'm so sorry you had this happen. I hope things look up soon

Its literally my worst nightmare. I was trying to find a home for my partner and I to live together. It was intended to be something good for us and instead this woman bled us dry and there may not be a way to get any of it back because I paid her in cash.

Scammers are in every corner of everything nowadays. It's terrifying. I was almost a victim myself via a fake job listing.

I really hope that awful woman gets caught and there are legal ramifications. Absolutely disgusting behavior. 

Yes, I hope she gets what is coming to her for trying to ruin the lives of other people. She's awful. Today my partner is going to try to contact the building manager to try to get her name from them for a police investigation.

I hope they nail her for everything she's worth and then some

Was she one of their employees? Or pretending to be in order to scam you and your partner? A lot of scammers like this will find ways to appear like their the ones that own the place and can rent them out etc. but we’re actually just a con

She was not an employee. Everything was fake. Likely the name she gave us was a fake name too along with a fake signature and everything to match or possibly a stolen identity.

She was so elaborate and manipulative though. She did everything she could to cover all her bases and make it look like she was legit. She conned even the building manager at the apartment complex.

i’m so sorry ): im wishing you the best regarding all of this & your future, i really hope you can make most of the money back quickly

We may or may not be able to get it back from the lady because she is apparently an expert scammer and talented at pulling off fraud like this.

So, selling stuff is really my only go to at the moment and the best I can do is pray something can be done to turn this around.

i’ll keep you in my thoughts! nobody deserves something like this

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Thank you

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I am trying my best but so far this looks like the situation is in bad shape as the name on her papers may not even be her real name. So, all I know is that I am crying my eyes out and kinda losing my sanity over this whole thing. I can't believe I let myself pay her at all. But she seemed so friendly and believable when we met her...she said she was trying to go to college for her psych degree and I kind of resonated with that because I am a student too trying for my own psych degree but I didn't know she was till she said it to me...

But its looking like it was all a lie.

I am so sorry Nello. I really hope there’s something y’all can do legally to get something back ;; That’s just so awful, I can’t even imagine…

I can't believe my gut was right. I just had this strange sinking feeling when we went to pay her that something was very wrong. But she stole it all and left us nothing. The apartment was bare and messy with things scattered about. She told us she was going on a work related trip for 6 months and needed someone to stay in the apartment while she was away. We paid her and today she left but when we went to call her the number was disconnected and the apartment was a mess. Everything seemed extremely fishy as she took even the couch, tv, coffee table, and the whole bed with her when she left which seemed strange. We expected the couch to be left behind if she was returning...but was all gone. There was a weird doll on the floor in the bedroom and a dresser that was moved away from the wall...

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I am praying something can be done but because I paid her in cash it will be difficult to prove although I did ask her to write up a receipt and have all 3 of us sign it.

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