DTA + WTA - Daeles Summer batch (CLOSED)

Posted 3 years, 13 days ago by Neyuse


Hi everyone! Daeles are fully back and with our first DTA and WTA adopts by our mod team!

I'm so exited for this and the summer event TT

Now let's explain the rules!

Species info . Daeles TOS . TH World . Discord server . dA Group 


DTA Rules:

Minimum requirement to have your entry counted is to submit a colored sketch.

The theme for the submissions is summer and festivals, please try to keep them on theme. You can submit multiple entries but only one will win.
Every participant gets 5 BD.
Entries will be reviewed by the whole mod team.

Winner will be announced a week later.

17 Refreshing coconut
Multiple color essence - Rare | Shaped tip stamens - Uncommon | Repetitive tattoo - Common | Intact Seal - Common | Cat Tail - Common 

Artist: milkmilium:

Owner: Mewlatte


WTA Rules:

Maximum word count for the entries is 500 words. Headcanons are accepted.

The theme for the submissions is summer and festivals, please try to keep them on theme. You can submit multiple entries but only one will win.
Every participant gets 5 BD.
Entries will be reviewed by the whole mod team.

Winner will be announced a week later.

18 Matsuri Dayo
Multiple color essence - Rare | Other variation - Rare | Tattoo other - Rare | Intact Seal - Common | Cat Tail - Common

Artist: Piki

Owner: K-A-Karma


Dealine for the submissions: 19/06/2021 at 10:30am GMT +2

Countdown for the entries

And that's all ^^ We are looking forward to your entries!


Entries for the WTA - Matsuri Dayo

Here is my entry! Edited down to 496 words lol, hope the google doc works <3

A rather short entry but I hope it's acceptable (lol)

Name: Matsuri
Gender: Female (she/her)
Age: ? (you should never ask a lady her age!)
Personality keyword: Warm. Bubbly. Excitable. Kind.
Likes: warm and bright places, food, playing games, napping
Dislikes: the cold and long winter

Matsuri--as her name suggests--is the biggest fan of festivals! When summer comes around--signaled by the singing cicadas--Matsuri shifts into her human form, adorns her festival happi and wooden geta, and awaits for the colorful summer festival.

Being a very happy-go-lucky girl, she circles around every booth and stalls each year without fail, tasting every food and trying out every games.

She once managed to scoop 4 goldfishes from the goldfish scooping game--using a single paper scooper! And if that isn't impressive enough, with her big heart, she gives out the remaining goldfish to other kids who failed to scoop a single fish.

"Everyone should feel the joy of festivals!"

Is her self-proclaimed motto. By the end of summer, Matsuri is often found napping under trees, already dreaming of going to next year's summer festival. 

(Aky, I need a password to get access to it jfvhfkb)

please forgive this senior citizen I haven't used google doc since ages, how try this: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SJe0y3RieTkRTmHLzVpxaLvzawSEVJf51n7hf0KRW2s/edit?usp=sharing

Lol sorry for my entries in different places 🙏 the spoiler tag be nice to keep it short

Also again I don't wanna be entered, just havin fun~

Sorry... writing bad

Matsuri patiently waits underneath the glow of the paper lanterns as she snacks on some cotton candy she had bought from one of the stalls.
"She sure likes to make me wait," Matsuri thought.
Boredom overcame her, and she put her focus on the ants crawling across the walkway by her feet. She shrugged her shoulders and tore off a piece of her sugary snack and dropped it on the ground for the ants. As it hit the ground...
Matsuri was completely startled as she let out a yelp in her surprise and, without realizing it, tossed her cotton candy somewhere in her fright.
"Aha," came a small laugh from behind her, "I really got you, huh?"
Matsuri turned around, "COCO! YOU MEANIE!" She shouted, staring dejectedly at the fluffy goodness now on the ground. Matsuri looks back up at Coco with the saddest pouty face she can muster.
Coco sighs, "okay, okay," she raises her hands defensively, "I'm sorry. if you stop pouting, I'll get you another."
Matsuri's eyes lit up immediately. "Really?" She thinks for a second, "and taiyaki?! And.. And yakisoba and a choc-"
Coco cuts her off, "L-listen! You're getting a little ahead of yourself, aren't you?"
Matsuri continues, "And a chocolate covered banana and a-"
"I only have so much money!" Coco whines.
Matsuri doesn't hear Coco's pleas as she walks joyfully towards the food stalls.
"Oh, come on..." Coco sighs as she begins to catch up.
"How? How can you eat so much?" Coco cries staring at her now empty purse.
Matsuri lets out a puzzled "Hmph?" with a face full of noodles. She wasn't listening. "Well, now that you have paid me back for the emotional and physical damage, what do you want to do?" Matsuri beams.
Coco stares blankly at Matsuri. She whips up her empty wallet and shoves it towards Matsuri's face. Matsuri bursts with laughter, and she's nearly in tears.
"I'm gonna pay you back!" Matsuri cackles, "I wanted to see how long you'd keep buying food! I didn't expect you to do it 'til you ran out!"
Matsuri's laughter dies down, she rummages through her purse and pulls out some money. "Here," She says holding it out to Coco and wiping the tears from her eyes, "sorry for the trouble."
Coco pouts, "No you can keep it," She blushes a little, "I'd have done it anyway cause I like you and all."
This catches Matsuri off guard and she gets flustered.
Breaking the tension some, Coco smirks, "but..." she turns to Matsuri, "You gotta win me those super cool glasses from earlier!"
Matsuri chuckles, "cause you're no good at the games yourself?" she retorts.
Coco glares at her.
"I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" Matsuri rolls up a sleeve and pats her arm, "Those glasses are as good as yours!" Matsuri hops up and extends a hand to Coco, "Let's go then!" She says with a big smile.

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Entries for the DTA - Refreshing coconut

And here's my DTA entry 。・゚・(ノ∀`)・゚・。


AaAAAAA!! super super late but here's my entry :,)!! Thank youuu

https://sta.sh/019d5ftzm6yt :(( This is the most late I could post,,,,

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