Mod Rainbow TOS

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago by RainbowZombie

This applies to all designs here --> , made by Rainbow!

Feel free to ask any questions below, or in dms, I'll answer them!

Artwork ; The following applies to art of any adopt you purchase, trade for, or get for free that is by mod Rainbow.

  • You may edit, trace, add backgrounds, color lineart, recolor art, draw over, and more to any art by me as long as you own the character.
  • If the art by mod Rainbow is of a character *NOT OWNED* by you, you must ask the owner of the character to do any of the above.
  • Art made by mod Rainbow can be used in public areas, be posted anywhere, and used for or public events with credit.
  • If using mod Rainbow's art for personal use, such as icons, no credit is needed unless asked.
  • You may not use mod Rainbow's art for commerce without permission. 

Character Design ; The following applies to art of any adopt you purchase, trade for, or get for free that is by mod Rainbow.
  • Any character by mod Rainbow that you recieved for *free*, cannot be resold unless extra art, literature, or otherwise character work is added to the character design. If the artwork, literature, or character work was from a trade or gift, you must ask the individuals who made the work if you can put a price on it. If they say no, then you may not add extra to the price. Work you create can be added to create a price.
  • Any artwork, literature, or otherwise character work you create can be added to the price of the character design. Any form of art or character work can be added to the price, this includes music, plushies, suits and other things that are added to the design. If any of the mentioned however was a gift or trade not made by you, you must contact the creators to put a price on the work. If they don't agree to a price you may not add a price to the work.
  • You may edit and change the design however you please.
  • You can add as many forms, AU's, and more to the character as you please. If you plan to trade the character, all forms should go alongside them unless vastly different.
  • You may use any character design you own by mod Rainbow in commerce, public use and personal use. You own the rights to the character, and it is not up to me how you use the character. This means you can use them in merchandise as well. 
  • I cannot revoke a character made by mod Rainbow for any means other than scamming.

If you have any concerns about any of the above or otherwise, you are free to message me!
Thank you for reading.


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