Auction - Daeles 20 (CLOSED)

Posted 2 years, 11 months ago by Neyuse


Here she is! The final kitty for this event!
I went with strawberry theme as I strongly associate it with summer due to popular desserts here in Spain

I also really wanted to do a modern summerish outfit for her, hope you like the final result!

Before giving the details, I also want to say the winners of the WTA and DTA have been announced!!
Please go here to check it, thank you so much to everyone who joined and for all the lovely entries!! TTT

Species info . Daeles TOS . TH World . Discord server . dA Group 


20 Strawberry milkshake: OPEN

Multiple color essence: Rare | Stamens - Common | Stray, Scar mark - Common | Cracked Seal - Uncommon | Drippy Tail - Uncommon


Owner: zigzaggin-goon
