Posted 2 years, 5 months ago by beelzebug

terms of service

Please read through the terms carefully before requesting a commission.
these terms were last updated 11 / 30 / 2023.

These rules apply to all of my commissioned artwork and designs, by adquiring any of these you're agreeing to following these terms. If you don't plan to respect or agree with my terms of service, consider abstaining from buying any artwork from me.


  • Please be aware that my art-style is ever changing and may be inconsistent in terms of linework, painting style, and other artistic choices. If you wish for your commission to be made in a specific style of mine, please specify so when requesting. 
  •  I have the right to decline a commission if i feel unconfortable with it of if i feel that the character is not suited up for my art-style. In the case the character is not suited up for my style, you will get the chance to change the character into one more fitting.
  • I might use your commission as future commission examples, unless you specify me not to do so.
  • Commercial use of my art is strictly prohibited. This includes merchandise or marketing in any way or form, and the creation and distribution of digital fungible tokens and NFTs.
  • When reposting my artwork (uploading it to toyhouse, using it as a profile pic/header, etc) you must include a link back to any of my social media.


  • The same rules as above are also applied for owning any of my designs.
  • If uploaded to toyhouse, you must credit me as a designer (beelzebug). In the case the character is a redesign you may add a second designer to the character's credits.
  • You are allowed to use my designs commercially (ex: making merch of them) as long as the art is your own or from an artist that allows such conent. However, you are NOT allowed to make digital fungible tokens or NFTs with them.
  • DON'T resell a design for more than you bought it for. If trading a design for art, please make it so the amount of art matches more or less the original price.
  • DON'T resell a design you got in a trade. The only exception to this rule applies when you've paid for commissions of said design, in that case you can resell only for the equal amount of money you've spent on said commissions.


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