Howdy ny'all! I had the great privilege of being selected as an Urchi guest designer this month, and as a long-time internet goblin, I figured making some funky-memey-guys would be a neat way to celebrate! I had a lot of fun making these lil' friends, so I hope you all like 'em as much as I do <3

This is a mixed batch, with the first two designs being OTAs (offer-to-adopt), while the last two are going to be raffled off, free-to-enter style! I've outlined the details below, so scope 'em out and offer/enter away!

1. "The Cake is a Lie" and 2. "IT'S ME BOY, I'M THE PS5"
Seeking (in no particular order): customs, USD (minimum of $25, if offering USD alone), Urchifics, art, OCs, other CS (picky)! 

Free-to-Enter Raffle!
"stop praying for my grandpa!!!" and 4. "Froggy Chair"
I'm very much hoping to get more folks involved with Urchifics since I love the species a TON, so I figured a raffle would be a nice, festive way to do that! Each entrant gets 3 raffle tickets to start with—but you can get a 4th ticket if you make a bulletin sharing this post! Comment here with a link to your bulletin and I'll add an extra ticket under your name. The raffle closes next Wednesday (3/23) at 9 PM PST, with the winners being rolled and announced here shortly after, so keep an eye out!

Enter the raffle HERE! 
(one form submission per TH user, please! No side/duplicate accounts to boost your chances—I'll be checking!)

3. CLOSED—won by PolygonZ!
4. CLOSED—won by Driftveill!

A big big thank you to all who entered and offered, and congratulations to these guys' new owners!! <33



Comment here to offer for #1: "The Cake is a Lie"

Art offer from @Poppin_candycorn!

I can do a custom and $10!examples of my designs:

Howdy boss! If you're still interested, I'd love to accept this! c:

heck yeah!! where should i send the cash and what are you looking for for the custom? :DD

Snowbell will be handling the funds, so she'll tell you where to send them when she's ready! c: <3
As for the custom—if you'd be down to make a sort of Strange, Creepy, analogue-horror adjacent guy, that'd be lovely! Just like... Weird Vibes™, maybe wearing a suit or some other kind of formal/work wear (long-ish hair with straight bangs would be a plus too, hehe)!

oooh heck yeah!! ive got an idea for a sort of like... sketchy door to door salesman type thing . pyramid scheme horror. i'll get started!!

4 Replies
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1 Replies

Comment here to offer for #2: "IT'S ME BOY, I'M THE PS5"

I can’t resist — I’ll offer the sb of $25!

Edit: throwing in this design on top of it!

I can do a custom and $15!examples of my designs:

Tysm for offering, but I ended up going with another offer! ;v; Definitely considering your first offer though, I'll keep you posted! <3

Comment here with a link to your bulletin for an extra raffle ticket! (forgot to mention: let me know who you'd like to use your fourth ticket on! 💕)

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Aaaand noted! I'm guessing you want to use it on Froggy Chair? <3 <:^Dc

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My Bulletin!

I want my extra ticket to go into #3 ! I'm very weak <3 ( complimentary )

Recorded!! Thank you for the boost, and for enjoying peepaw!! <3

Hell yeah!! Of course!! TY for giving us a powerful peepaw <3

Also. I could be insane but is the font you used for these the paper Mario font ??? 

It was my pleasure!!! The world needs more peepaws!! 😤

AND HEHE!!! Very good eye! It is 100% the Paper Mario font—it’s a particular favorite of mine!

IM LATE BUT YES....! you're so right ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

AND HAHA! I thought so!! Same here!! ^__^)/ !! 🤝

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Noted, tysm! :>

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Uwaaahh I don't think your answers have come through yet, but! I will make a note of this for when they do! <3 (you're welcome to resubmit too, if you want to make sure they come in!)

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UR GOOD!! <333 All fixed up for ya!!

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Recorded!! Tysm! <3

Sweet ty ty! Would you like to use your 4th ticket on peepaw or on froggy? c:

Peepaw >:))) I LOVE the elderly fandom can i use it on froggy chair

Recorded! c:

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Recorded, ty ty!

Recorded! :>

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Aaand recorded, tysm!

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Done and done! Tysm!

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Recorded! Tysm for the boost! 🎉

I'll be using my fourth ticket on gramps ^^

Noted! Tysm! c: