Commissions (2024)

Posted 2 years, 4 months ago by Elvaneyl

2024 Update:

Again updated some styles and whatnot, added a ych section because I can never stop making new styles (or bases) orz
I don't even know about prices anymore okay it's like four bucks for a mcdonalds hamburger, the world is burning

Open on a case-by-case basis as my health is trash and I get sick constantly
Just toss me a comment or message wherever if you're interested, I check -here- most often


d9jry1r-73ec2325-9508-49fb-913d-7726ea51Prices listed are for lined + colored fullbody, prices for sketchy lines/monochrome/line-only are lower
d9jry1r-73ec2325-9508-49fb-913d-7726ea51All styles except the super tiny ones come with hair and skin shading/highlights by default
d9jry1r-73ec2325-9508-49fb-913d-7726ea51Lines may be soft, hard, pencil, or textured depending on what feels right for the comm. If you have a preference, let me know, though hard might cost extra 'cause eh
d9jry1r-73ec2325-9508-49fb-913d-7726ea51Couples = +1/2 to double price depending on pose
d9jry1r-73ec2325-9508-49fb-913d-7726ea51Paypal only most of the time  
d9jry1r-73ec2325-9508-49fb-913d-7726ea51Can do gore, blood, nsfw, etc. (obvs. 18+ chara/user required)
d9jry1r-73ec2325-9508-49fb-913d-7726ea51Human, humanoid, kemono bits, smol wings are fine.  Large wings on cheebs will be chibi-fied. Large wings on larger styles might be an extra fee 'cause I hate doin' em.
d9jry1r-73ec2325-9508-49fb-913d-7726ea51Can only do anthro in chibi form, and I can only draw teeny noses on them
d9jry1r-73ec2325-9508-49fb-913d-7726ea51Typically 1-2 month max wait time, I try to get them done faster but sometimes health issues get me a little on the later side >w<

d9jryzf-f7a52abe-7f98-4fca-926a-5b0c3ec7I have the right to refuse to draw anything I'm not comfortable with
d9jryzf-f7a52abe-7f98-4fca-926a-5b0c3ec7I suck at drawing snouts/muzzles/anthros/animals, so I decline to draw them most of the time
d9jryzf-f7a52abe-7f98-4fca-926a-5b0c3ec7Do NOT color/commission someone else to color my lineart without my prior permission (have been commissioned for lineart and buyer had someone else [very poorly] color my lines, without asking, so just a precaution now sorry!)
d9jryzf-f7a52abe-7f98-4fca-926a-5b0c3ec7Super intricate tattoos/outfits may have an extra fee (like FF14 level intricate outfits)

(to clarify on anthros: I can only draw them in mini chibi/chibi style, and I do not draw muzzles or snouts. Faces would be the same as examples other than adding a small nose and/or fur tufts on cheeks, and hands would be the same. Dainty/deer legs would have proper shape but I can't draw paws.)
anthro chibi examples: 1  2

Commission Review Thread
(can leave a review if ya want, not much there since I don't do comms often XD)


Mini Chibi




(basically just bigger eyes than mini)




Semi- Chibi




Tol variation
FB: $30
Bust: $10
Combo: $35



Provide pose ref plz
Memes encouraged



very sketchy and derpy








Not open often but the style I've been doing these in is different enough for me to add I s'pose, I'll come up with some random name for the style later or somethin




Fullbody - $20-$30
Bust/halfbody - cheaper
I never know if I'ma draw noses on em or not orz
Fullbodies are most current examples




(giant watermark is just to prevent theft, won't be on yer finished artsu lol)

Bust - $15-20+ (depending on level of effort you want)
Fullbody - $35-40 (comes with hair and skin shading/details)
+ shading - $5-10

sketches/monochrome are cheaper




@???? idkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk




$15-30-ish based on static/animation and other stuff
Mostly on my own bases/no base, but can do on other bases if requested



Animals and monsters and stuff
Seriously why would you pay for this I can't draw animals
Better with simple shapes, can't draw feline/canine/equine-esque




Object OCs
Prob cheap, likely to accept trades or dA points for



Semi-Retired Styles
(things I don't use often or don't have enough practice with yet, can still be commissioned but might give me some trouble)


still a bit experimental/ haven't used in a while



haven't used in a while





I can do custom adopts, price varies with type and if I use base/what kind of base. Normally mine go from $7.50 - $50+ depending on base/freehand and design
I also collab with my partner @Deletedfox often on designs
Custom/adopt tos can be found on both dA and TH links 

Examples of adopt sheets on my bases, other free-hand designs as well as designs by my partner can be found on our joint adopt account
Roachramen dA account 
Roachramen TH account 





Could I ask when you might be available for customs in the future? <3

I'm on (hopefully) the tail end of a streak of being sick, so I have a few comms I need to catch up on. Depending on what you're wanting/what style, I might be able to fit something in. What did you have in mind?

I was hoping for a Stylized fullbody custom. It's for the Unbleeders CS, and I have a common slot already. I can write it all out a bit better if you decide you'd like to make the design, but these are the reference images I've gathered so far!~

Yeah, that'd be one of the more time-consuming styles that I can't in good faith take on right now, there would be no telling when it would get done TwT I can let you know if I end up reopening any of that style, if you'd like!

I can go with any style you like, I'm not very picky. I just know that the style you usually post matches what I have in mind for her design~

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Heya! ^w^ 

Unfortunately, I've still got a few ychs to finish in the next few weeks, and then I'm going to be out of commission after surgery, so no telling when I'll be able to get anything else done ;w;

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hi! sorry if this is odd (or the wrong place to comment this), but I just wanted to say I love your art styles! They're all so cute! :D

Thank you so much! ^w^

What would be the price for semi-styled half body couples? 👀

Ahh sorry sorry, due to health issues getting me progressively behind, I've put a (hopefully temporary) hold on comms until I can work on them more reliably TwT I can let you know if/when I can open them again, if you'd like <3

Hi! Id love to commission you for a couple of mini chibis and 1 semi chibi if that's ok!

Awesome! What did you have in mind?

I would like the mini chibi couple of these two pirate ocs:

I was hoping you might be able to do something with them holding hands, one pulling the other behind them but both excited to be on the go.

And I'd like the semi cheeb to be of this oc

But in an outfit I bought for her


Can do! $16 for the minichibi couple and $16 for the semichibi sound good?

For the semi cheeb, is there a particular pic I should use as reference for the skin/hair color, and any preferred pose/expression?

I've just sent the payment, let me know if it goes through ok.

The very first pic is good for color ref (the one with the red BG)

I don't really have a specific preference with the expression or pose. But her hair is usually covering her eyes and she tends to be stoic/flat, the more serious type (a bit of a creepy gremlin), tho she will occasionally be shier or a little mischevious.

Got the payment!


Are your comms still open, if so may I comm you?? :00

They are, and absolutely! ^w^ 

oooh do you have discord or a message place i can dm you easily by chance, if not thats okay!

I sure don't sorry, closest thing I use is chat on dA on either Elvaneyl or RR >w<!

ill message you there then!!