Because of the hurricane, to allow users still working on their entries more time to finish up and submit, the deadline for prompt entries has been extended until October 3rd! 

The new deadline is 11:59PM EST 10/03/22 (October 3, 2022).

 Poffins August-September Prompt 

It's mid August, which obviously means...


mascot prompt art by lumiilian



'Tis the season...wait, wrong season! Oh well, everyone deals with the end of summer differently!

With many people getting ready for fall in some way, how about you all head out to have some pumpkin fun? From growing and gathering to painting and carving or even baking, there's all kinds of ways to enjoy this gourd! If classic pumpkins don't exist on the planet your Poffin calls home, show us what the closest alien thing is!

As long as at least one pumpkin-like plant/gourd is featured in some way, your Poffin is free to celebrate in whatever way they like!

This prompt will end at 11:59PM EST 9/30/22 (September 30, 2022). Entries will not be able to be submitted after this time.


All prompt entries receive double the usual amount of Star Tears (species currency), which can be used to purchase special trait and edit items.

Everyone who submits their prompt entry before the deadline will automatically be entered into a raffle for a Common MYO Slot! There will be 2 winners for this raffle!

All participants will also receive a cute fall themed pixel badge to display where they like! These badges will also be awarded specifically to whichever Poffins are used in the submissions and will be able to be viewed on their site profiles. Try to collect all of the badges for all the (upcoming) prompts!


To submit your prompt correctly and ensure you get all your rewards, please make sure to follow the rules and submission guide below!


  • All entries may be PG-13 at MOST in rating and must follow the Poffins species ToS.
  • At least one Poffin must be present as the main focus of the submission.
  • If you don't have a Poffin of your own, you can draw one of the mascots (Aedion + Andromeda) or ask community members if you can draw theirs!
  • Minimum art requirements is a sketched bust that meets the prompt theme.
  • Written entries ARE allowed and must be at least 150 words with appropriate paragraph breaks (ST reward chart pending).
  • You may only submit one prompt entry (you may still collab with other users on their entries, see below).
  • You may collab with another user/s on an entry/entries - in this case, the ST reward will be split between all collaborators. 

How To Submit:

featured art by Noxzk

This prompt will end at 11:59PM EST 9/30/22 (September 30, 2022). Entries will not be able to be submitted after this time.
The new deadline is 11:59PM EST 10/03/22 (October 3, 2022).
If you have any issues or questions about the prompt/submission process, please don't hesitate to DM us or ask in the Discord!


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