Seahorse Kingdom

Posted 6 years, 8 hours ago by Sobbloo

Bordering on the Kelp Forest, the Seahorse Kingdom is traditionally more closed off from the other kingdoms by choice. Ruled by a male Queen and female King, they act more as judge and overseers, and less as law decreeing leaders. The kingdom itself is very self sustaining and secretive. They are welcoming outwardly to outsiders but are overall distrustful. People tend to avoid them except to go and "Gawk" at the strange, primitive lives of the Seahorse. They are generally seen as superstitious.

The traditionally "male" members are the traditional child bearers. It is frowned upon for those who identify as female, either from birth or otherwise, to bare young, both naturally or with the help of Tenta-Technologies. Those that do generally have left the main kingdom.  It is frowned upon for males to become impregnated by anything other then a seahorse female, especially with the help of Tenta-Technologies. Traditionally, Females deposit an egg into the Male whom is then impregnated and bares a single young. Twins or other multiples have a 95% mortality rate for both young and parent.  Seahorse take 150 years to reach maturity and leave their parents, ageing slowly.   

Childbirth is difficult and has a high mortality rate due to old practices, leaving many with only a single young. Those that decide to have more are often spoken about in hushed whispers or awe and judgment, however those that succeed are praised and celebrated.  After a medium length gestation, traditionally the parent will move to the nursery or a private bedroom and birth the young entirely alone.  As modern life has moved into the the kingdom, the hospital and some private clinics have opened up "Birthing rooms" which offer the same private location as home but also a panic button option to call in doctors should a problem arise. However general distrust means these are not utilized to their full abilities and most opt for the traditional home option, hence the higher mortality rate as there is no one there to call for help should it be needed. Regardless of location, the partner or other parent or family are not permitted into the room under any reason. Some have been known to break this "rule" and are generally shunned by the general populous, regardless of personal feelings on the subject.

Society is slow to change here, as they cling to their ways.