Axotol Kingdom

Posted 6 years, 22 days ago (Edited 6 years, 21 days ago) by Sobbloo

Beauty Prided over all else.  Oldest and most influential kingdom of the region.

 Males only permitted regardless of reasons. Ruling is done by the most beautiful of the royal family. The king is the most, with the queen being his 'mate'. His most beautiful son is Prince and second in line, Princesses are the the older children of  the royal couple that show the  ability to glow in the dark/ under black light. Non-prince or princesses in the older clutches  are called dukes. After the first usually one to three  clutches the children are titled using the list below. Should any fall below the acceptable attractiveness they are demoted to "Lords" with no true power. Especially  beautiful member of society that are born outside the royal family can be given the rank Baronet, this is  title usually come with no powers but allows its owner to sort of  court worker or almost lady in waiting type deal.

Royal family Titles

  • King
  • Queeen
  • Prince
  • Princess
  • Duke/Duchess
  • Marquees/Marchioness
  • Earl/Countess
  • Viscount/Viscountess
  • Baron/Baroness
  • Baronets
  • Lords