The Neocities Thread 💭

Posted 1 year, 10 months ago (Edited 2 months, 15 days ago) by Skykristal

Neocities Thread

Neocities is a very neat place on which you can host your very own hand crafted site. So.. I wanted to start this thread, just for Neocities sites you made that I and others can discover. Maybe say a line or two about your site or what you plan to do! Also just using this thread to share general thoughts or questions is welcome as well!

Any site and also custom domain welcome, as long as you have it hosted on Neocities.

If you want your link, button or anything else removed or edited, dm or ping me!

Sharing your site? Fill this out!

User/Name: your name you want displayed
Website: link to your website (one per person only)
Site Button: little 88px by 31px pixel graphic ,if you have one
Adult site?: yes/no , You may also request the adult label if you mainly want adults to visit your site.)
Bright colors/Gifs?: my page is safe/not safe
About your site (optional): some info you can share if you want

Please Note: If you don't fill this out, your site won't be added to the list below/ I assume you don't want to. I am no longer searching for info everywhere.

Sites List

= sites containing bright flashy graphics
= 18+ site, adult content or those who wish to be visited by adults
(hover over the heart & warning icons for more detail on a site)

PS: If you wanna collect, make sure you download peoples site buttons(the little 88x31 graphics below)
to your own site. Images will break if the owner deletes it.

Skykristal Website
Firebuug Website
Infamousblackcoat Website
Ocpdzim Website
awepossum Website
flutteristhebest Website
ghostchapels Website
uraniumglass Website
kravizm Website
Orion_Overdrive Website
Aaawhyme Website
Saltuarium Website
Scifirenegade Website
Pepperly Website
Damazcuz Website
Cadavers Website
Lilina Website
SonicMania Website
brooklynrock Website
octopii Website
holoville Website
ScheloftheSea Website
rabbitgambit Website
Murphy Website
Jade-Everstone Website
GissyEva Website
entomologist Website
Salida Website
Charge Website
Grinalbi Website
Tewro Website
Nattokinnaise Website
Storm Website
cowgf Website

wow, your site is beautiful!! i can tell you spent a long time on it, it looks professional (i am on mobile) — also the idea of keeping a dream journal on there is perfect!!!!! ^o^ i definitely have to browse it more on my computer soon

i LOVE neocities but havent sat down and worked on a site in a while, i honestly just need ideas haha. i have two in-character sites based on ocs— one for my highschooler dnd character set in the 80s, and one for my fictional band ocs :-)

i also have a main one for myself where i just play with html and do what i want, it includes a few mini pages based on my ocs and a dress up game for one of them!!

i LOVE looking at ppls sites i hope more ppl post their own


firebuug oh wow thank you so much :o that´s nice to hear. (don´t look up my source code tho, it´s everything but professional 🤣)
You have very creative sites, ty for sharing them! The In character sites are a very cool idea honestly! It´s like your character wrote it. 10/10.
Also spend some time on the dress-up game, it was quite fun. Would really love to try something like this as well. I´ve seen a few of these lately and really love the concept. ^^


this is my site I mainly use to as a way to post blogs and creative writing works of mine.


Here is my site!

It’s still a work in progress but there’s a good bit there. So far, it has a homepage, links page, and characters page. There’s also one page up for an individual character! Eventually, I plan to add all my characters, a blog, and some more content. 

I can’t wait to look at everyone else’s sites when I get on desktop tonight! 


I haven't updated since right before artfight; I was too busy doing artfight to update, then too busy (and out of state) in August to update then, so I'm gonna hunker down and finish up a bunch of stuff over the next couple weeks. Right now it's mostly an art gallery, but I'm thinking of adding an extras section (or get premium and turn it into a second minor site) with random stuff, like my wobbledogs code archive and my OCs.


all sites have been added! thx everyone for sharing.
I´ve seen a few sites from y'all before so that´s cool.


How does one make a pretty cool website? I want to learn coding, but I learn very slow with my autism, n I want to add bootstrap, but it’s so hard to understand the words!!


skrinklydoo I don't know anything about Bootstrap, but when it comes to basic coding, I had trouble with figuring out how to start on it for a long time too. Ultimately, it really helps to find someone whose website you like and ask them questions about how they did things, and also to look things up a lot. 

You can also use pre-made layouts, if you like how they look enough. This is great if you really struggle with writing your own code, because the code is already mostly written for you and you just have to fill it out. I have my own layout available to copy, and there are also other users on Neocities who have layouts available, like Sadgrl! Sadgrl also has a layout builder on that page, so you can make your own layout without knowing much about code, but I haven't tried that out.



You can add bootstrap into the heading of your pages, like you do with fonts (and fontawsesome if you'd like). You can get the link to add on this page here: I'm using 5.1, but toyhouse uses 4.x if you're already familiar with codes. I'm also vouching for Sadgrl! She lays it out very simply. Neocities has a very simple beginner's tutorial that'll help you start up a page, but w3schools is great for learning html and css, too.



Thank you, ocpdzim n Pepperly !! I have heard of Sadgrl’s layout builder n I think I used it before!! I’m going to try and build my layout if my site with it.


I love working on my site 🙈 I've been looking into adding bootstrap and making the gallery pages into something more responsive like with a carousel gallery or something... and adding a dark mode so it's not so hard on (my) eyes, it's just a lot to think about working on all at once.

anyway here's mine! mostly a personal art/writing gallery.