tell me about a bird you saw :)

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago (Edited 9 months, 20 days ago) by artwizardabbey

I love birdwatching and I've been learning about the species around me for the past 2 years! When I go outside I usually recognize what species makes the sounds I'm hearing, but what I love about birdwatching is that I'm still finding new birds in the same places, especially during migration. It's also really cool to hear about what species are common in other places or that something I see all the time is rare for someone else.

So, tell me about a bird you saw! It doesn't matter if you know what it's called or not, I think they are beautiful creatures :D but if you'd like to put a name to what you're seeing, I recommend the apps Audobon (has a field guide with pictures and sounds and you can log your sightings) and BirdNET (record sounds and it identifies them for you). If you live outside the US, would like to learn about birds in other countries, or would just like to have both of those functions in the same place, I recommend Merlin :)


saw a whole ass pelican one time and those don’t really show up often where i live 


Apokalypsa thats cool! I live in florida so they're pretty common here, but since I don't go to beaches often they're always interesting to see, especially close up!


We get birds like Carolina Wrens, Cardinals, Blue Jays, Robins, Geese and Hawks here! I know there's more but those are the first ones to come to mind. I tried out that Birdnet thing since the web version lets you upload a sound recording you already have, but sadly mine had two and it only guessed the first one since it was the loudest T_T
One day I'm gonna find out what bird I've been hearing here since I was a kid!


i saw a falcon or hawk that had some of its feathers missing. it was cool


i saw what i thiiink was two egyptian geese on my way home from classes yesterday! i also saw two ducks (before i figured out what the geese were my friend called them "weirdo ducks" kshdfkjdsds)


YESSS BIRDS i recenfly saw a Turkey Vulture sitting on a wire pole, which was really cool since I usually see them flying high in the sky; I also see groups of Camorants every day when I go to school, though there haven’t been a lot recently so I hope they’re okay. I also see Scrub Jays, Stellar’s Jays, Black-Capped Chickadees, Sparrows, Egrets, and Mallard Ducks, and Doves almost every day!  there’s the occasional Belted Kingfisher and a few Black-Hooded Mergansers, which I don’t see every day, but are in a very specific spot in my school

One of my favorite sights of birds was what I think was a Pelican migration, about maybe 200 flying and circling, which was surprising since ive never seen any migrations in that area; another one are Zebra Doves and Mynas, they were just on the sidewalk but they’re both pretty silly 


I saw an osprey just chilling in a parking lot once. I love ospreys, as well as peregrine falcons which I've seen here and there whenever they come down. I'm not very knowledgeable on birds but I love them. I adore pigeons and doves, which I see very often.


i saw a somewhat fancy looking pigeon in my backyard once. not like a regular pigeon this one was very light and blue, with a pretty long neck. great bird!


yoo i love birds!!!! 

some crows which i know seems super basic but im too far south so it's still exciting for me lmao. I've seen them maybe twice in my area? theyre so big??? im lowkey jealous of people who get to live near them tbh lolScreenshot-20230228-205105-2.png

and this little guy

Screenshot-20230228-205639-2.png baby california quail not recent at all probably from april or may last year but ive never seen a chick so close and it was really exciting even tho the pictures so low quality 😭 it was adorable in person i promise lmao. the parents and other chicks had just gotten over/through the fence and i barely got my phone out in time for this slow guy. there are a ton of quail in my area and i love them and theyre everything to me, we see them all the time around spring and early summer. they make really weird sounds btw 

there was also this red tail hawk that lived in my high school, he was named sausage for some reason? so i saw him a lot including during my graduation which was really cool, he just flew over the field a couple of times. and i have a friend who lives across the street so i still get to see sausage occasionally

we get hummingbirds too and this one time some absolute batshit insane one i think probably an anna's hummingbird came up while i was walking my cat and just snatched some fur off her tail?? i usually dont let the cats anywhere near birds but it was so fast and its huge steel balls just shocked me so much, thank god it just scared her lmao


saw a bald eagle chilling on a streetlight today! there’s a nest in the general area and they have eggs rn so i’m assuming it was on the hunt for food


I saw a bald eagle a couple weeks ago just flying through my neighborhood and got so excited! it was only the second time I ever saw one in the wild (the first time being earlier this year at a nearby park, so it might've been the same eagle)~

I live in a great area for birding, some of my favorite common birds are cardinals, blue jays, mourning doves, tufted titmouses, and red-winged blackbirds. there's also a park I worked at last summer that had osprey nests so I got to see a lot of ospreys!

edit: I forgot to mention red-tailed hawks! I see them in my area occasionally and I love their call! it's the typical call you hear when a movie or something shows an eagle on screen


some various birds I've encountered

~I was trailblazing one time and saw a Western Tanager

~At my old house, there was this BIG seasonal flock of Cedar Waxwings

~I'd feed the Mallard ducks near my grandma's house, and would often see red-winged blackbirds there

~I once got swooped by a Great Gray Owl, and have witnessed screaming season for Great Horned owls

~Had my life threatened by swans and Canadian geese

~Crows and seagulls. They're my city's pigeons. So whenever I see a pigeon I get kind of excited XD

~We have a LOT of dark-eyed juncos and black-capped chickadees around here. They're cute

~Robins! They mean spring is coming

~I see red-tailed Hawks, golden eagles, bald eagles from time to time

~A kestrel tried to carry off my dog

~Herons are along the shores, mainly blues but sometimes greens

~Sometimes I'll see a Stellar's Jay picking on a squirrel