ArtFight Alternative Pitch/Interest Check

Posted 8 months, 3 days ago (Edited 8 months, 3 days ago) by The51

Would you like this to happen?

126 Votes +1
68 Votes -1

Hello, I'm sure some of you know me from this thread here.
That thread is the reason I am here today with a concept for an alternative art trading game hosted here on TH by myself and some volunteers.

Currently I have no name for it, as that's a low priority currently going to operate this project under "Nameless Not Shameless", but it'd be through Toyhouse's world system utilizing bulletins. I've prepared some screenshots to help show you the plan for it. For roleplay sake, you will have to pretend that each is a different individual and not just me. 

It would start off with an announcement of the game's theme, which includes a reiteration of the basic rules and two thumbnail frames.


The frames will be used to identify which team you've chosen by utilizing them on your designated character.


The designated character is essentially what you would do to link your TH on AF. They'll be added to the group as your representative and have a link to a folder/tag of the characters you're including in the game, and written in the description should be the types of characters you have, your character permissions, and any other details such as your age range or general profile warning.


Once the event starts, each team will have their own designated turn in bulletin that will be used to post the art they've done for the other team. Both will include the full point system on display. When you comment to turn in artwork, you should be IC as your representative and it's suggested that you link any and all characters you draw.


It's preferred that every art piece is put into a spoiler to keep things clean, but it is required if the image contains any content that TH would need you to filter if you were uploading it to your character and proper written warnings given above the spoiler. There may be the possibility of creating a mature locked bulletin for suggestive or NSFW artwork, but for now there will be a hard rule against any sort of explicit adult content.


Due to the limitations of TH, points will need to be calculated manually by either the artist themselves or a volunteer, and chains likely impossible without getting extremely messy. There will likely be weekly point checks, where the total count of points earned for the week are made to potentially lessen the amount of work done by a volunteer calculating. 

Volunteer types we'd likely have:

- Team 1 Rep: This would be the user(s) asked to tally points for members of Team 1 (in this case Team Blue) and answer any questions.

- Team 2 Rep: This would be the user(s) asked to tally points for members of Team 2 (in this case Team Red) and answer any questions.

- Moderator: This would be the user(s) asked to actually moderate the event, sort team folders, watch comments, remove and warn users if submission rules are not followed, and answer reports. 

- Administrator: This would be the user(s) asked to potentially start and end the event in my absence, do point checks, maintain the world's appearance (IE coding), assisting with accepting other volunteers, and maintaining a ban list for the event (which I hope we never have), and any authority over what Moderators have as well.

- Artist: This one is a rather large maybe. I will be doing the frames myself, but I had wanted there to be a mascot for this event to help set it apart, as well as badges/stickers for players. Unfortunately, I fear I won't be able to keep my anonymity long were I to be the one to do any of that. 

Other things to note: 

- I'd like this to be a biannual event, with a winter and a summer game.
- Currently it is unlikely that 3D, physical crafts, and long form animations will be allowed due to the more specific rating requirements.
- This event will obviously adhere to TH's set rules.
- I have very little experience with coding and worlds alike and any help is appreciated.
- Anything and everything is subject to change.

And that's my pitch. Feel free to leave your feedback, questions, and suggestions down below. And if you're interested in potentially helping out with this, reach out to me here. I don't have any plans to log out of this account for awhile now.


Big bump.

I'd love to help. ArtFight is sucky now and it'd be lovely to have a less corrupt alternative.

I'm great with calculations, so I would love to tally as a volunteer. If i could still participate.

Would their be one this winter? /gen


the lowest role that can sort characters into folders is moderators

I think this would be an interesting idea though, especially if it’s having a character profile that acts like regular profile that hosts all the info you’d want on there

especially being biannual, but I fear it wouldn’t be really active during the winter half (depending on when it’s held) due to school or time away for the holidays/family

would there be a possibility of having a sorta randomizer so there’s about an equal amount of people on each team (or say, something like you can choose which team early, and after a certain deadline, you get put into a random team)?



I can mark you down as being a team rep then. And I'd love to have this all set up in time to do one in January/February as a test run, but it'd be dependent on what users would want.


Thank you, I'll correct that!

I know there's a possibility of less activity, but there are still a number of people who are seeking more options for an event like this and at the end of the day, I don't think it'll be too harmful to give them that option.

Unfortunately, there's not much we can do about randomizing so there's an equal number on TH unless we get extremely manual about it, but I'll do my best when it comes to themes to make sure there's less possibility of a major skew like AF saw last season. If it comes down to it and the numbers are extremely skewed, I'll do something like closing the other team for new/late players until they even out again.


The51 thanks! lmk if you want any team suggestions, and i'll send my people your way.



I'll let you know- for now I don't think anything will be considered set in stone until this reaches... I'd say 100+ total votes? Then I'll be a lot more active in seeking help as I think it'll be safe to call it official.


That's a great question, and you're right: I haven't thought too much about it yet! I think right at the start, the team will be something I've come up with, but following that it could be a pool from both mod suggestions and user suggestions. It'll all hinge on how that first one goes, I think!


i don't think i've ever seen a major toyhouse world dedicated to being an artfight alternative before so interested to see where this goes


I think we got -1s from ArtFight staff sigh



It doesn't matter who's voting down the idea, as easy as it is to just blame ArtFight. It could be them, but it could also just be people who simply don't like the idea.

Let's focus on the positives: 69 is still a good amount of people who do want this in less than 24 hours.

I also have meant to say, but if you know anyone is actively seeking an alternative, feel free to send them this way if it'll interest them.


I actually never did Art Fight as I couldn’t be arsed to post all my characters on there, so having it on TH would be very convenient. I’ve always loved the idea of AF but, like I said, never tried.


It's not a bad idea, but the reason why I am against it is because of one thing: calculating points manually.

I understand that Toyhouse has its limits, but Art Fight's score counters of both teams automatically update in an hour. A participating player's score also update automatically if they submit an attack to the site. In the case of such alternative, however, updating those manually is what I deem to be a nightmare for the average human being.

I'm not sure how big the alternative will grow, but if there's like 1000 people participating in it, it'll most likely burn out a lot of people working on it, and therefore the score counters may take forever to update.

Again it's not a bad idea, it's just that manual point updates is why I voted -1.

(Sorry for the poor wording I'm in the car rn. This is coming from someone who has participated AF for the past 4 years.)


Poking in as another -1 that isn't from an Art Fight staff member. Don't just jump to conclusions and say everyone who disagrees with you is biased.

In my case, it's several things. This sounds like a slightly over-ambitious attempt to replace a well-established site with a volunteer team, which means people are going to burn out, lose interest, etc. It's just not feasible, I think. It's like how pretty much any social media site that pops up to try to replace Youtube/Facebook/Twitter eventually fizzles out.


Similarly to the comment above, I think it's a fun idea if it's original and brings something new rather than being an artfight clone, and it may last longer if so, because otherwise you're just recreating artfight on a worse platform functionality-wise. I've already seen a lot of threads pitching artfight clones.
I'm not against the idea of course, just sharing my thoughts.


-1 ; community management is hard enough and you wanna do math on top of it?


Lilina Keileon bollgrodan

Thank you all for the feedback. This is just the only option I have as web design and coding has never been my suit, but rest assured I am committed to doing this if it's what people wanted. I tried my best to be up front about the limitations so nobody joins or volunteers and becomes upset about expectations. 


Believe me, I don't want to do math.