🪴🌵🌳 Plant Thread

Posted 2 months, 24 days ago (Edited 27 days, 20 minutes ago) by Skykristal

Plant Centerâ„¢


Plant-keeping has been a huge hobby & fixation for me for the last couple of years. I love plants, rescuing them, getting them back to good health & growing them. There is something so rewarding about this.. seeing our little green friends in good shape! And if you're wondering, yes, I am one of these weirdos who names their plants.

You can:

  • Ask others for advice, and questions
  • Share your plant progress, updates, and improvements
  • Share and talk about your favorite plants

This thread is for any and all plants!

Planted a tree, seeds, have an orchid, terrarium, or grew vegetables? Then this is the thread for you!


I really wanna share my Cotyledon tomentosa (Bear's paw succulent). He's one of my favorites, I love this little plant so much and was so sad when I saw him dying in my open terrarium (which.. wasn't the best setup with the soil I chose.. he had no rots left.. all dried out in the end, leaves where falling off very easily too)

This is almost exactly 1 year difference! Also, I need to repot.. but he looks so nice in that pot.. I don't want to rn 



^ he looks so happy and soft! really cool to see how he's grown! always love good wooly or fluffy plants


a recovery but i didnt have much to do with it! most of their siblings got dampened off and this guy was showing signs, but they really pulled through! am waiting for their baby leaves to fall off to feel relief but they seem to be happy! are the farthest ive gotten to with a seedling, two sets of leaves and more soon. My bluebonnet (Lupinus texensis)


this one recovered so well, theyve been lawnmowered and were about to be cut down again so i put them in a pot! An annual so theyve been growing really fast. There's no other flowering plant of their species around them, but i hope soon, want more of them. Fiddleleaf Tobacco (Nicotiana repanda). He smells, but i love him


Flairzie yes! I'm happy he's happy 🥺  fuzzy plants are one of my favorites generally. they're so fun tbh.

thanks for sharing your green friends too! That's awesome. I hope both of them will continue to grow and flower. Did a quick google search, they're so pretty!! ( I'm already seeing some sign of flower stem on the fiddleleaf?! that's nice) 


i recently got a Kalanchoe tomentosa and i was surprised at how fluffy they are! wasnt sure if it was real when i first bought :O! love a good succulent!

yeah 🥺 already has a flower but hasnt bloomed yet! soon! i hope i see lots of moths enjoying the flowers



you guys have such nice plants! gardening is really neat to me, i'm not so great at it myself which only makes it more impressive xD the pot on the bear paw's succulent is really cute yeah, you definitely gotta get something new in there once it's officially been outgrown! when i was gifted my first plant a looong time ago and it was outgrowing its container, i bought a big pot and painted it to look like a minecraft block. it was very cute but sadly didn't survive more than a couple years xP but it kept me company for a while, it was some kind of leafy succulent? i was given instructions on how to care for it but in hindsight i definitely regret not doing my research x|


fraternity ohh definitely! That little pot is one of my faves. Sadly not all plants stay small, but I've got a couple babies that would look stunning in it ^^

Oh that sounds awesome! The idea to paint the pot like a Minecraft block is very creative! And hey, a couple years isn't bad at all! You don't wanna know how many plants I've killed before, many just a month old or so 💀 tbh instructions are always a hit and miss. I started caring for my plants based on feeling, and a moisture meter (you know, these babies) .they definitely make your life easier haha. But ofc some research is definitely great. I do it often and I love how every source differs xD

Flairzie ah nice! I was kind of surprised about how many succulents, and other plants with 'fluff' exist . Ngl I enjoy browsing plant stores, even if I don't buy anything. haha 

Oh wonderful! Maybe you can catch one on camera. I always love seeing moths, butterflies and bees visiting when I plant flowers on the balcony <3 I just recently planted some seeds and a few tiny seedlings emerge already.


hah- that makes me feel better. a moisture meter is a good idea, i didn't even think of that. you sound like a very good plant parent! :)


My little apple tree! I put some substrate into a tiny honey glass I still had from our honey advent calendar last year, and put a seed from a grocery store apple inside. Just for funsies, out of boredom.. that was 2 months or so ago.  But something has grown now lol. Look at him. Little cutie



I've rebuilt our 'Soul' jewel orchid terrarium!. Which was massively overgrown. I upgraded it to a big Bioloark terrarium. We always cut things down, but especially the huge flower stems are a problem. I want them to have more room

Here's the old setup before destroying it lol [blog post, shows better look inside the old one, when it was new]


Here's the new setup. The terrarium looks relatively small on the photo, but its gigantic D: 15kg monster

soul-new-outside.jpg soul-new-inside.jpg

I'll probably write another detailed blog entry just like I did with the original one. Because writing is fun :]


finally posted about my fabulous terrarium over on my blog the other day.

Went to the nearby garden center today and got myself a dragon tail. I have been propagating this succulent from leaves for 2 years now and these mf don't grow much, if at all. So I thought why not buy a slightly bigger and also way fuller guy to start a better plant


my little apple tree has grown too since I last posted. Also grabbed a cute bucket flower pot for it.



i have an asparagus fern at home that seems to be doing fine, but i wanted to see if there are any other asparagus fern owners out there with general advice.

i still have it in it's store planter(the plastic one) and then put that in an empty candle jar as a drainage tray. i water it when the soil gets stuff and dry as i don't want to overwater it and it seems to be doing fine, lots of new growths and its happily leaning towards the window, but im worried about the roots and if letting the soil get that dry will hurt the roots.


Radiosh4ck hey there, asparagus ferns hate me, but that's due to humidity, and our climate mainly. Can't get them past winter 😂 if your fern is doing fine, you're good! With any fern, it's important to keep it slightly moist though. Ferns don't like to dry out. If you aren't seeing any sign of yellowing or dropping (which can be an indication from lack of water) I'm sure it's fine. There's no need to worry unless your plant is showing you any sign of sickness. And since it's growing, it's more than fine.

If you want to or plan to plant it into something else, you can get a great mixture on SYBotanica. I use the products myself. Or you simply make a fern mix yourself. They enjoy some sand in the mix, or other materials that hold moisture well 


Skykristal you ruuule, ty!