General pet peeves thread

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 3 years, 7 months ago) by PS-X

6/11/19: big description edit

This is the thread for general pet peeves. I don't mean character ones or fandom pet peeves, I mean random, not specific to anything pet peeves.


1. Please don't name anybody.

2. If anybody starts to argue, take it to profile comments or PMs.

3. Black out any sensitive content.


^I'm gonna semi-agree. I can see it if someone has anxiety/a harder time reading people (bc I've felt the same way before and it took a while to tell what's rude and what's neutral or jokes). But if they're not in that boat it's kinda rude to assume "anyone who doesn't speak in a 'nice' way is mean" before knowing them

OT: idk how to describe it outside of "youtubers trying to be meta/sub-baiting". Joking about likes & pleasing the YT algorithm are overdone to hell and back, and even it feels like people trying to guilt-trip their viewers into subbing. Like those "Most of my viewers aren't subscribed to my channel so if you could please subscribe to me that would be great" plugs. They're annoying, fishy af when the stats they're showing look almost exactly the same as everyone else's, adds to the 'fluff' time/time before getting to the actual video but smh it's youtube and the next sub-bait trend is probably gonna be worse


trying to please everyone.

you can't. and someone will end up terribly hurt by it, so you're failing anyway.


When people ask for advice, but don't actually listen to the advice they're given? I swear some people only ask questions so they have an opening to vent or dismiss every solution they're given. It's annoying to watch, not to mention trying to engage with these people in a meaningful way 😑


fixers. ie, people who HAVE TO fix your problems and will NOT accept no for an answer.

advise is all well and good - WHEN ASKED FOR. but when it's not, don't give it, and then basically give a big 'fuck you' because it's not taken.


"I don't like typical anime styles, I prefer something more like X" and then they list shows that have a super typical anime aesthetic?? I guess what they mean is just "I don't like moe styles". (terrible taste, btw).