Coven of Witches?

Posted 7 years, 7 months ago (Edited 7 years, 5 months ago) by Bostonia

Hey there! My goal right now is to be able to interact with other people's witches! I would love if people commented their witches w/ what type of witch they are, starting almost a big masterpost of witches. This is a bit of a lazy post but once I am back I'll add more onto it with more detail. 

I'll start off with my witch

Oceanic || Harbor/Sea Witch

"One of the last witches of his family to stay at the harbor, he can't go far away from bodies of water and his home has all sort of trinkets and shells inside of it"


Ooo, I love this idea! A place to index their witches sounds great! I have four witches, three still need to have their profiles written tho. X'D

This is the first character I've ever made, Ethel Sphiran.  She is a Fire/Metal Witch, she makes enchanted weapons for knights and travelers as they go on their quests.

This is Dahlia Trevil, and she is Ethel's assistant, learning how to make weapons herself.

This is Tsu Gumo, and she is a Sleep Witch, and often she is needed for those who have a hard time sleeping!

This is Yua Takamasa, and she is a Embrodery/Clothing Witch! If you need something stitched up, she's the one you need to see!

Margaret Dianxia

On mobile so forgive my formatting--this is Margaret!


Her title is "The Witch of Origins" but she is more known as "The Story Weaving Witch"

Witches are a different in the universe she comes from, (hence her first title) but essentially she is a witch that can transcend realms/dimensions and actually plays a big part of changing the fate and destinies of those in universes that she does not belong to, which is why she is called the "Story Weaving Witch"

 Although her meddling is actually always a good thing. She seems and behaves grumpy and cold but she is rather kind, though indirectly.

She interferes very minimally, but just enough for a big change to happen. She even changes her form and appearance so in a lot of the universes she's in, she never really looks anything like she does here. But this is her original appearance from her first world, or rather, the world where her entity came to exist.


Oh god I had to fix so many grammar errors I remember why I don't post on mobile x__x


Thank you! Amber is a very interesting character, too! A cybernetic mage is something I never really would have though about, generally because magic and technology isn't something you see everyday so that's really neat!!



Thank you!! Sahna is very lovely too! Margaret was originally an apple so maybe she and her would get along since they both have connection to flora in a way haha


@emmerynn Aww, thank you!! <3 I bet Tsu and Sahna would get along very well! I love the broomstick Sanhna has by the way, it's very well designed! <:3

Wonderland Thank you very much!! <3 Yua would make one heck of an outfit for Ser! Ser's backstory is sad, yet very funny at the same time, I love it! XD


Wonderland Would you like the two of them to be friends then? X3



Yup! She was an enchanted apple from a tree that the witch had cultivated, she always had a miniscule amount of magic in her. After she was picked, she was left in the witch's house for thousands of years. She just ended up absorbing all the magic that was there and ended up becoming a sentient entity that way! Her lore is actually a deeper than that but that's her beginnings!

Spice Jutta

I have Spice, a self proclaimed future witch who definitely isn't human. He uses his powers to sneak into and crash parties, as well as to impress and flirt with people . His magic is connected to hand gestures, especially things like clapping or snapping his fingers. It's showier this way too.


Oh my gosh I just came back to check this and I'm so happy to see people commenting their lovely nerds on here!!! <3333

I would love to offer up Oceanic for any rps and friends ;;0;;; he's a small loner hiding out under a dock. 


Wonderland Great, I'll add him onto her friend list! ^3^


Wonderland Thank you! Originally Margaret was supposed to be used to poison a princess (Sound familiar?) But instead the witch just disappeared one day without notice. The great witch that Margaret was created by is a very mysterious entity, their motives and thoughts are unknown, even to Margaret who spent pretty much every moment by their side during her time as an apple until the witch disappeared for so long. The witch carried Margaret around "just in case" so leaving her on a desk one day and just vanishing was completely out of left field.