🎆Inspiration/Aesthetics Thread!🎆

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 5 years, 11 months ago) by Azrael

Hey there! Now, I haven't seen any other thread like this, and I thought that this would be nice for people! So basically, If you've got a lack of inspiration to make an adopt, or to draw something in general, you've come to the right place! Just look at the color pallets/aesthtics that people post here for inspiration! If you find anything that you find inspiring for art/adopt creation, feel free to share them here!


1. NO STRAIGHT UP PORN YA'LL. This is kinda obvious, I mean come on now, this isn't RedTube, and we have minors, so I want them to be able to access this place to. :) A level of nudity is fine, like bare chests that are covered a bit (like a bikini or a bare male chest), or something on that level, just have a spoiler link, a small warning to whatever it may be, and then post your beautiful aesthetics/inspiration~! 

2. Be nice please, and don't criticize others for what they might find as inspiration. Everyone has their own different ideas of inspiration.

3. If you can't currently find an aesthetic yourself for various reasons, but still want a exact type of aesthetic, just Azrael (dat's me) with whatever key things you're looking for, how many images you want, and you can link a character to help find aesthetics for if you want!

4. For NSFW, also known as suggestive sexual, slight amount of gore, Silent Hill level gore, and any level of nudity, just include it under a spoiler and just write what it is. Ex: *Posts a aesthetic photo that's showing a little bit of a butt, or an aesthetic photo that's showing blood.* "This has nudity/This has gore, please view with caution," something along them lines. And if you think you might post something that could be a trigger for someone, I'd recommend putting it under a spoiler just to be safe! :) 

5. If any ya'll are confused whatsoever, just shoot me a message or @ me on here and I'll be more than happy to answer!


@Overlordpotato Sure, if you find it to be inspiring! ^^




frick, these color palettes are beautiful !!

I have an entire tag on my (much neglected) tumblr dedicated to inspiration, ranging from animations to artwork.

like, heck, look at this beautiful armor:

and then this animation. Animation's definitely one of my biggest inspirations ;U;


also gonna casually Alyxsandre myself so I can find this again

@bowtiewashere Also, are you using a specific website to generate or palettes, or do they come premade from a website? oAo I know I have one hidden somewhere that generates color palettes based on an image you submit.


Alyxsandre I just find em on pinterest! XD There's actually a lot more inspiration then I first thought, but there is! :D



I made a whole page of artists that inspire me

some are nsfw tho so warning. not porn just gore



@Octomo Glad this thread could help you out!

Yoshi Thank you, I'm really happy to provide ideas!



@Bowtiewashere Wrong person lol
