Any FFXIV players?

Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 6 years, 9 months ago) by Raehira

I play on Aether>Adamantoise, Anna Roen! Whm main, ilvl 308 :"D Not a savage raider but I'm going through the warring triad and all ex primals, sooo midcore? wouldn't say hardcore and wouldn't say casual??  Show me your babies!




yesss I finally bought an apartment last night. guess that is a sign that some people are leaving balmung, lol.

Now if only I had the funds to possibly buy a house if any open up, lol. buying that apartment alone nearly wiped me out xD


Oh man I want to try the ex primals this weekend ... everyone in this thread doing them is boosting my confidence lmao

C'shyr Ikayuro

@Am1cable - Go for it! Lakshmi and Susano are really similar to their normal fights, with only a few added things. You can do it!

On the topic of EX primals, I FINALLY GOT MY SEPHIROT EX CLEAR. HNNNG. And even better yet, I GOT THE BIRD. YES.

C'shyr Ikayuro



/waits patiently for BTN nodes

:') I hate BTN but I love MIN (please dont tell me they're the same they are different okay)


Ikayuro CONGRATS! I Still need sephi, zurv, and eggnog clears and birbs so I'll probably try to get that done this weekend unsynced like a dirty casual, then maybe jump into susano and lakshmi ex TTuTTb I'm getting used to a new interface since switching to TV as my monitor and I don't have a good surface to use my mouse for click-targeting anymore (which is supposedly a sin to some people LAUGHS WOOPS)  so I'm trying to learn working without it fffhfhfh I think I'm alright but I just don't feel as confident as I used to OTL 

aska-ray I'm the exact same, got miner maxed really fast but can't be SUFFERED enough to finish levelling botanist??? someday.... fhhh


@zziro i leveled my MIN purely through leves... i had all 100 left over from...not using them.... and got it to 70 in like a day

BTN tho ugh. I'm pretty much pure lvling it through collectables because seriously SE 50 folklore tokens (50 red scrips per token) per folklore book? Nah fuck yall mate


I just. Want. To. Clear. Nidhogg EX. Apparently that's far too much to ask.


@Emmerynn I'm surprised more crafters aren't like, rioting about this... you DC and your craft is kaput

I got logged out yesterday during my gathering which was annoying but nothing lost.....just more like great now i have to wait another 40 min for this node :T


Ah I just started playing recently, but I'm on Aether / Goblin! Chara name Fae Tyata. I'm only like lvl 14 I think tho..... Still not sure where I wanna go with my class so I'm just a simple conjurer for now. If anyone wants to boost up a new character that's about all I'm good for atm lol


Froppy welcome to the game <3 the best thing about ffxiv is if you don't like your starter class you can change! 

RIP If you were on Chaos I'd help you out but there are tons of people on Aether who will level with you /pet

sort of related: i was in Cutter's Cry for roulette yesterday and everyone else was brand new.... i made a comment like "oh everyone else is new" or something and someone was like "Is that a problem?" I said no I love newbies <3 because (for the most part) I do!

thats the party i literally almost solo'd Chimera cuz everyone died and I didn't want to give up RIP (I got to ONE PERCENT...then I corps-a-corpsed RIGHT as the aoe ice attack happened and i died. fuckin-)