-Homestuck fan stuff!- What's your Pesterchum?

Posted 8 years, 9 months ago (Edited 8 years, 9 months ago) by GalaxieAuLait

I recently got a pesterchum and I want to make friends, even if it's with strangers, the more people I make friends with the better!

My name is candiedGalaxy ! I can't wait to talk with all of you guys!

sound interesting, but you don't have a pesterchum? Get one!



Ugh did they ever fix the problems with pesterchum for Android? 



I didn't know they had one for android, what were the problems with it?


It would just wig out occasionally, a and also eat so much data


Back when I was more active in the fandom (And before there was an app) everyone called me corgiCommando or CC