code lyoko thread

Posted 5 years, 1 month ago by Accela

please tell me someone else knows this series omg

for some reason it’s so obscure and people at my school rarely know what it is

i just need to talk about yumilita with someone bruh 

anyways i thought maybe someone on here would know it sooo yeh


Holy shiz, there are peeps who know of this show's existance?!?

Lmao. But seriously,  I really loved this show. The characters, their development, the lore, just amazing. I honestly neverminded the art style. I mean, we all have diff styles. Tho I found the large foreheads to be funny but really nothjng more than that.

Also, that theme song. Nothing can beat it.


It's been years since I've been able to watch it but the theme song has stuck with me 


WHOA Didn’t expect this thread to get resurrected from the dead

Have fun tho

Code Lyoko we’ll reset it all~

Fun fact: Most of the Japanese dub is lost media 

Corrin Mikael PhoeniXXTalon



My brother is making a fan animation episode. This fandom is really obscure and small.



Holy catto, that's amazing! Not sure how it's going since you posted but hope all is well




Hey! This is what my brother has so far.

He is working on it still and has just a bit more than what is posted. But I think he is on Code Lyoko's Reddit. Any support (just knowing someone will watch) would be appreciated.



Watched it and liked! It's pretty solid so far. If I can I'd like to help out—unless money is involved lmao. But drawing, light animation, even voice acting, stuff like that are okay.

Regardless, I wish your brother the best of luck!



You can ask him if he needs help. He also is an adult so just wants to keep things safe and if you are a minor, just watching is all he asks. Just doesn't want the episode to go in vain ya know?



Got it.

And damn I'm 17 lmao. Well, just a few more months then


galaxycreations Your bro’s project is pretty cool. Can’t wait to see where it goes