LF Character Relationships !

Posted 6 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 years, 6 months ago) by vvingblade

Sorry for the head wall of text!! Taye's looking for some shipping partners  (゚∇^*)

Got a few new characters I would love to build a few new relationships around! While I am open to all kinds of characters, genders, and species, I do have a few minor stipulations that should be noted.

In the RP sense, I'm really chill about RP- I'm mostly ok with just headcanon talking or throwing ideas about how they react to certain things back and forth, bc I love character building! But for more serious threads, I'm pretty exclusively paralit style. I don't require or expect to always be matched in length so that's cool, I just dont really do serious script style?? though its ok for small casual rp!
I'm mostly on Discord but private TH threads/PMs are cool too!!

I probably won't be RPing alot bc im kinda burnt out on doing so, but I'm still up for headcannon talk!

I'm good with pretty much any genre- I just don't like Steampunk. I especially love Fantasy, Slice of Life, and Adventure though! Modern Fantasy is my JAM. I also really love Hurt/Comfort themes. I'm ok with M/M, F/F, and M/F romance so feel free to shoot any pairing type at me. Please note that I am MUCH more biased to same-sex ships as I am LGBT myself. I am ok RPing mature themes and smut, but only with other 18+ users! I'm also ok with doing certain fandom RPs (kh kh kh kH KINGDOM HEARTS-), though I mostly would want to RP the character I currently have to help build them up.

My RP Comfort Meme

Ok down to character relationships!

For General Relationships:

  • You must be ok with receiving artwork! For the more developed friendships and relationships, I like to sometimes get art of the two characters together.
  • I do not require RP- but I do enjoy discussing headcanon bits of how the characters interact with each other! Those with deeper/more explored relationships will be the ones I focus on developing more or otherwise getting art of.
  • Not all characters get along. Depending on how your characters acts/their nature, our two may not be compatible as friends! But if they are at total opposites, I am 100% down for enemies/rivals.

For Romantic Relationships

  • I am the type to get art of my characters most important/paramount relationships, and I'm definitely going to get lots of art of my kids romantic relationships bc I love cute ship art <3
  • Please consider how the two characters would actually get along and interact- there's a possibility they may not work out romantically.
  • Can be all sorts of species or non-species!

I am looking to offer these characters for character relationships and RP!! You don't need to be in their universe, as all have their own 'universe' but are totally flexible with outside characters.

Characters Open For Interaction | Slightly Selective Characters Open For Interaction 


//wheezes// I really like Min-Su and Faroe

And I just remembered I have an old oc that's a singer or idol of sorts. My [Reina] is still under construction since I normally develop my charas through rps/hc

So maybe they know of each other through social media, and eventually meet when their company agrees on a collaboration project between both groups?


i would be interested in rping with you!

here are my main babies if any of them spark your interest, there is also a tag to see which of them is single or in a relationship ;;



starguardian | First things first your character are SUPER creative and I really like them! I also rlly like Yamju! He's so cute gosh ;;

I have yet to upload his info (doing so tonight) but i think he may get along well with my Diab Luciel or my Hike Nephele, most likely Nep bc they have similar personalities! For Nep I see just friends, but if you wanted we could see about a possible ship with Luciel? Tho the idea of interactions with Nep seems more likely/more interesting!





i think yamju and luciel could work ?! i cant wait to see the info you write about him!