[12/12] OC Murder Mystery | TownOfSalem [Discord]

Posted 9 months, 2 days ago (Edited 9 months, 23 hours ago) by Draganora


How It Works

The players will start by secretly submitting their character and choosing 3 roles. I will choose which character gets what role, making it randomized. Every character will be assigned a number, and be given a 'house' to write their will. There will be Day stages and Night stages - at daytime, players may discuss the proceedings at night and generally hang out. At nighttime, they may do what their role calls for them to do. For example, a Mafioso killing someone, or an Escort roleblocking someone. In the morning, deaths will be announced, and the town will get to vote on who to lynch if they suspect someone. 

Also to note, despite your character's backstory, you will be given an attack and defense based on your role to prevent powerplaying. You may roleplay the scuffle if you're attacked, but inevitably it must end in the same way. Also, there will be additional chats for the teams. For example, Mafia may speak to one another at night and the Medium may speak with the dead at night - making it where if your character dies, you still have a reason to stay in the game! (Unless the Medium dies in the first night... that would be unfortunate.)


Game Rules

  • 2 lines minum. We suggest 5 lines maximum. The top cap will not be a hard rule, but it will be a suggestion to make sure that you can get responses in time and aren't overposted too much.
  • Do not screenshot any proof of your role. This is supposed to be a mystery game! Your character can claim a role in the game whenever they want, but, you cannot prove it OOC - this breaks the mystery!
  • No powerplaying, your strengths and weaknesses are that of your role's. Every encounter should end the same way that it is dictated in the game. For example, I don't care if your character has god-like powers, the Escort cannot murderize the Mafioso when being visited by them.
  • No gamethrowing. Intentionally losing the game or hurting your teams chances of winning(even if that team is just you) is gamethrowing. For example, A Mafia member dies and in his last will he reveals the names of all the living Mafia members. If those names are true then you are gamethrowing, if they are false then you are not.
  • No minor characters.
  • No ERP or extreme gore. I know you escorts wanna have fun - discuss it with your partner if you wanna go to the DMs.

Role List

1 Jailor
1 Medium
2 Town Investigative
1 Town Protective
4 Random Town

1 Godfather
1 Mafioso
1 Mafia Support
1 Random Mafia

1 Random Neutral
1 Random Neutral


Ping List

atzend | EternalNyx | Dinnerliver | Lattskull | crawlingspider


BROOOO not having a discord is actually such a pain in the ass, cannot tell you how much Id LOVE this

Gl to whoever does join!!


Whoa, we're halfway there! OH-OH, LIVING ON A PRAYER!


Mind if I get added to the ping list? Please and thank you! I'd love to join when it's open. 



It's open right now, just click the play button!