LF: MxM dark roleplay

Posted 6 years, 5 months ago (Edited 3 years, 4 months ago) by Tokix3

  • You can call me Toki 
  • I'm 29 years old
  • She/Her
  • I'm a nurse (sorry if i'm MIA some days because of schedule/exhaustion from 12 hr shifts)
  • I'm only looking to do MxM roleplays at this time, please don't try and talk me into MxF or FxF thank you. They just don't always hold my interest when it comes to shipping as mains.
  • First and foremost i'm looking for RP's but i'm also open to some brainstorming and OTPs/shipping depending on the characters.
  • Please be willing to contribute in plotting and character/world developing. Not only does it help me stay invested but it's apart of the fun for me.
  • Long term preferable but please be patient with me.
  • Creative plots; I really enjoy plot driven roleplays, it just gives a little guideline to where we're going so the whole thing doesn't just fall off the face of the earth.
  • Original characters; I try and put a lot of effort into my OCs and I enjoy when other people do the same.
  • Romance is a must; I don't mean for it to be entirely romantically centered but it's a large driving force behind my motivation, interest, and dedication to the roleplay (because I get so invested in my ships lol).
  • Must be over 21, it's just uncomfortable for me otherwise.
Comfort Meme
  • I have yet to transfer all my OCs over from weebly to Toyhouse so feel free to surf my weebly for availables  (Tokix3.weebly.com )
  • Please ask me about any characters you're interested in.


Please feel free to ask about anything you're concerned about or want to know more about.

  • Dark themes  (Some of the themes I do not condone in RL, it all depends, pls talk with me if you have any concerns)
  • Also love fluff
  • SHIPPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Human/humanoid characters 
  • Age gaps
  • Violence, swearing
  • Smut 
  • Slice of life
  • Fantasy
  • Drama/ Angst
  • World building
  • Plotting
  • Animals, furries
  • God-modding
  • Fandoms
  • Perfect/flawless characters
  • Underage pairings
  • One-liners
  • Ghosting

I’m down!