💾 NEW 3/26 - UFT/S, clareph, vesp, canterwit, +

Posted 8 years, 1 month ago (Edited 1 month, 16 days ago) by HEAVENDELUXE


I have a few designs up for sale and resale, plus open to trades.
update 3/26: added more designs including an official canterwit!

click here for trade/sale folder
[trade preferences] / anything with a pricetag i prefer to sell. willing to haggle!


Woa, Brandes is cool as heck. Are you looking for trade offers currently? Or only purchase offers?


Waltz thanks! I've had them for such a long time aaa..

purchases are preferred but I'll look at trades :>


Any sorts of trades in particular you'd be interested in? (I'd purchase them in a heartbeat, but it's a couple weeks to my next paycheck xD)


Waltz umm not really sure! I guess I like aquatic characters most, but like.. I'm more used to selling than buying haha so I guess I'll look at anything. art of one of my characters would be great though, if you do that!

If neither of those work out I wouldn't be adverse to putting them on hold for you, I don't need the money urgently.




Waltz unfortunately none of them catch my eye, sorry :o I'm sure they'll be here when you're ready, thanks so much!


No prob! I'll check back around when I'm a bit more solvent <3


teratris I'm sure they'd love a new home......jus sayin.........B>

and yes I do! you can find my prices right here and some more art here 


Actually on second thought I've thought of a really good idea for Brandes, so I think I will take the hold, if you're okay with it? I'll pay as soon as possible, but if it doesn't look like I'll be able to in a week or two, I'll let you know!


Waltz okay! I'm glad you like them so much aaa :') keep me updated!


Will do! (I think they'd make a really lovely contrast to this character, who is also decay/nature-themed <3)


teratris thank you!! you can contact me anywhere haha, i get notifications for tumblr messages but dA is more reliable but we're already on this website.. it doesn't matter to me :>

(also, brandes was just put on hold for another user, but emba is still available!)


Waltz aaAAA WINDOW CHESTS ARE...THE BEST..........i have an android with a rose window chest i should..upload here...

but yes that'd be so interesting!! aa I'm really excited for brandes now weeps gently