
Posted 4 years, 3 months ago (Edited 4 years, 5 days ago) by Chibiaero



Offering on either the regular or CB slot, I have this guy
I can add the price difference between normal and CB slots in vouchers or PayPal for the CB slot to make it more even?


Caku ah, sorry, when I checked with another mod the feedback I got was I could only offer up to the MYO price amount, I’ll fix that


gingr CinnabunAngel duldragin superlazy7 AllSeeingPortrait thank you for the offer but I have to decline 

lonely-kaijuu I will consider, as that dainty is cool 

occultluxury I sadly not a fan of the second fleuro and the first is cool but I’m not fond over shorts as much (a-little picky with cutey like guys) but I wouldn't trade my cb slot for him 

Ace-Of-Shadow I have to pass on the art but I was interested in a few beros, and pokemon I liked 

Kageyama I like ur sketch page and ur chibis are cute I might consider


Beros are off limits (I would not mind you linking the ones you liked though) but there are a few jinkas I'd let go for the CB slot ! (I'm guessing you're interested in some of my BluCs and I would trade none of them for the reg slot)


Hello, I can offer for either of the slots. I can offer some designs here:

Socktail Jotaku:

Neonpunk txunnpae:

Jawharad Maiiro:

Or some art. Not quite sure what kind of art you looking for so I'm linking my gallery so you can get a general idea of what art I can do and my style:

But I'm pretty much willing to offer fullbodies, halfbodies, headshots, chibis, or pixels. Either in painterly or cellshade style. Ofc I'd be willing to offer more/more complicated and time consuming art for the CB slot.

Ty for looking!