remade the thread. closing this one.

Posted 2 years, 10 months ago (Edited 6 months, 24 days ago) by rainy_secrets

Please read everything before offering.


  • Holds for payment are only 2 weeks, no extensions.
  • Payment plans can be up to three months, but will require an initial nonrefundable deposit. Otherwise, the first payment is considered nonrefundable.
  • Please follow your payment plan or hold. I will send a reminder message the day payment is due.
  • Owed art must be finished within 3 months. If wips were shown, it can be extended up to 6 months. Further extension on a case-by-case basis, but will not exceed one year.
  • Three-way trades are okay as long as I know all the details.
  • If you are no longer interested in the character, please let me know as soon as possible.
  • If you ghost or ignore my messages, I will cancel our trade and put you on my blacklist.



Listed in order of preference:

  • Full resale/voucher (via Paypal)
  • Partial resale/voucher + Art
  • Art only
  • Partial resale/voucher + Characters (not anthro/feral)
  • Art + Characters
  • Characters only


  • Customs
  • Writing
  • Virtual money
  • Physical items
  • Giftcards or prepaid cards
  • CS slots/items


NyankoNyan Hello, thank you for the interest! Although your art is really cute, I don't think it'd fit with my ocs ;;



I’m very interested in Jr. Black, Rubuttsu,Gervitasia,Tori and Funky

Would my Art interest you in exchange ?

(Painting buste are 60+ ; normal bust are 45 ; chibi are 20  and mini chibi 10 (background are additionnal pricing) 


Mlle_DuCouteau Hello, thank you for the interest! I would love to trade for some of your art! However, I do not have many female ocs to ask art of ;v; Would you be willing to do the 3-way of art like I am doing in this thread? (I'd add you to this thread and send your art samples to any potential art trades or oc trades).

If this is all okay, is there a particular oc you'd rather trade for? Just please keep in mind though, I'd like to match value, so it might take a bit for our trade to complete with higher value ><;


I don't quite understand what it is- ;w; But yeah if you can explain i think i'm fine ! 

Tho i also do male and furry art, i just lost my ipad recently with all my exemple x: i can search my discours dm for some exemple if you with ! 

And no worry for the value ! I totally get it and was n't thinking i would do mess for those adorable design.! 

Rubuttsu and Gervitasia are my top fav if i must chose ! Followed by tori, then jr black then funky


Mlle_DuCouteau Sure! Basically, you'd be offering your art to other people, whether it be art trade or for ocs. If art trade, you'd be drawing someone else's oc and that person would draw my ocs. If for ocs, you'd draw art to trade for someone's oc, and then that oc would be traded to me. I just added this option since, I don't have a lot of ocs to ask for art and I want them to go to people who'll use them instead of collecting dust with me ;w; Hope that makes sense?

OH, then by all means, show me more of your art samples c: But would still like to keep the above option open though since I don't like asking for too much art for myself ><

Alright, I'll keep your preferences in mind! So at this time, I will add you to my thread and include you as an art option when looking for art trades and ocs. When I am able to get a good amount of either/both, I will let you know and then you can make the final decision on which oc you'd like and whether you'd be okay with the trades being done! [ Does that sound okay to you? ]


Oh yeah understood ! Totally down for it, that's pretty good actually lol ! 

I have This buste finished, this Sketch halfbody, This chibi  and this One 

Also, i can do fullbody in the "Buste" style like in the first exemple of my message lol Tho they are kinda expansive 

As for the choice, i can' t honestly chose between the two so if you are okay with that i would like to make enough art for both ? éè


Hi there! I've just went through your folders and I would love to offer art for either Xaitt design, the Funky or Tori.

You can check my gallery or twitter (@/mixuen_chan) for art samples (price list here). I'm also open to the 3-way art trade if you're more inclined to do that instead of trading the ocs :0


Mlle_DuCouteau Awesome! Thank you for showing more samples too ^^ And just to verify, am I correct in thinking that these are normal bust [ x ] [ x ] and this is a painting bust [ x ]? Also, would you consider doing waists/half bodies (if yes, how much are they in your normal and painting style)?

And I would like to know your opinion about this in advance. Would you prefer to do the art owed to me first and then the art/oc trade ones after (assuming I can find them in a timely manner)? Or would you rather wait until I find some trades first? I am okay with either option, whatever you feel most comfortable with. As soon as you start with my art or as soon as we come to an agreement on some trades, I'll put the oc of your choice on hold! (Let's start with one oc first!)


Mixuen Hello, thank you for the interest <3 I'd definitely like to trade with you! I don't mind with ocs or for the 3-way art trade (let me know which style interested you among the ones in the main post!). I did notice that you may have possibly 2 different styles? I see majority are a lovely 90s anime style, but this style also interested me [ x ] (I love the background and coloring >w<). Are you offering the later art style? If so, how much would something similar be (in regards to a single character with a bg of similar complexity to the sample)?

And since you said you'd be okay with the 3-way art trade, I assume you are okay with me offering your art as a 3-way too? So same deal as the people in the thread! I'd offer your art to other people, to either art trade or oc trade. For art trade, you'd draw someone's oc and that person would draw my oc. For oc trade, you'd draw art in exchange for someone's oc, and then trade that oc to me. And as a follow-up question, would you rather start doing art owed to me first, or wait until I secure some art/oc trades for you before we start the trade (at which point I would hold the oc for you -- which oc would you prefer to trade for btw ^^?)


Yup you got it right, I don't do other things in the painting style, but the normal "Buste" are : Halfbody 100, Fullbody 175 ( Background are 50% of the size)

And yeah I can totally do some ! 

I think I would prefer first doing art for you and the th art/oc trade ! But if during the time I do your art someone is interested in my art i can switch and do the trade !

And btw, I updated my Trade Folder I don't think anything can quite please you but doesn't hurt to take a look I think ?


rainy_secrets aight after much deliberation I decide to settle with doing the 3-way in exchange for the Xaitt design if that makes sense ^^ I price my artwork based on the complexity of character design and background regardless of artstyle so a single full-body + background would cost you a total of around $60-$80 (estimated range).


Mlle_DuCouteau Alright, I'll message you the ocs to draw later today! I'll also add your art trades to me thread as well. And I did take a look at your ocs, but none of them caught my eye.


Mixuen Okay ^^ I'll message you who to draw later today. I think art for me can cover his value but if not, I'll add you to my thread for 3-ways too c:


niruako Hello, thank you for the interest. I would consider it but, your queue list is a bit long that I'm afraid to give you another big load of artwork to do ^^; (I don't mind the wait personally but, as I wouldn't be able to ask for enough art myself, I'd defer to offer your art for art/oc trades. And I don't want others to wait ><) I'll have to decline, sorry ;;