Open offer! W:Nadopt/Pixelpup/kariosa/glider

Posted 7 years, 6 months ago (Edited 7 years, 22 days ago) by Faunicorn

Just those creators please! Interested also in czylphs and czylph slots (':
Please nothing else.

Expanding my search to other artists I really enjoy!

I am just concentrating to that one species because I really like them and I have a world set aside for them. Its the only cs I'm pretty much interested at this point very actively!

feel free to comment or pm!



do not lose this omg


this board is so long to scroll through omg


I'll buy the goulong if they're open eyes emoji


mallimutt I will consider! I'm waiting to hear back from a friend

gaybe okay! I will have to get you the psd later this weekend if that's alright?

Trundlebug SO CLOSE )': next time maybe 


Faunicorn that's fine!! Thank you so much aaaaaaaaa


gaybe okay please send the amount to [email protected] with your username in the comments SO I DO NOT LOSE TRACK of who is paying what!! ; u ; / I'll look now to see if I have to transfer anything to anyone


Faunicorn sent!! and aight. If you have the edits you made, could you include those? It sounded like something I'd enjoy!


gaybe oh sure! All I did was make him creamy with his pink tones but I can do that once I find the files! I also notified the group as well and marked him down as sold!


my boyfriend thinks im a wizard when 99% of the time i just google the answer


beep bop


Would love to be considered for the pokopom if possible <3


@squidribs definitely! I'll decide probably tonight or tomorrow!!