
Posted 7 years, 1 month ago (Edited 2 years, 8 months ago) by lostolem



Oops I must’ve linked the wrong thing <:D (I forgot what I even linked in the first place ahshdjdjfm) Thank you for looking !


conpa & Caku oh god I forgot to reply. Y'all have beautiful art and chars but unfortunately no one sparked my interest (and I'm still quite attached to Sherry), so, lots of apologies! ;;;;


Ok!! I'd like to offer art!

I can do art like this https://sta.sh/21lel1m216d8?edit=1

I also have this side style if my main one isn't your thing! https://sta.sh/02c6yskfxlp1

I could also do a piece with simple animation, kinda like these https://sta.sh/218ifi4n1o5b?edit=1


hey shri! do you like https://toyhou.se/1107760.elias? i doubt you'll do it, but i like cereus.


If you are interested in selling him let me know ♥ 

I don't think I have any characters in my trade/sale folder that interest you;



But I could buy him off you for 20$ if you decide to let him go ^_^


HeebieJeebiess oh! I love your full/halfbodies >:O I'd definitely consider. If I were to accept though, how much would you be willing to offer? O:

staria he's..!! gorgeous but ive. fought tooth and nail to get cereus back sorry star i gotta decline o)--(

Hunibi none of the characters sparked interest unfortunately, but ill be sure to note you down if ever!


Thank you!! And I'm not too sure since I don't know her worth but maybe two fullbodies or a fullbody and two halfbodies if you'd prefer that!


more to add then- do you perhaps like https://toyhou.se/staria/characters/folder:166730 Edison or Hayden, or https://toyhou.se/1623357.ezekiel? or https://toyhou.se/1150177.vincent?


@mamabless hi! I think ill sell Maat to you! please PM me your email so I could send an invoice, thank you :D~ 

HeebieJeebiess I'd be interested in a fullbody + 2 HBs! I'll PM you if I decide to accept if that's fine with you! ;V; ) 

staria n.nnggh i love vincent. tho im still not entirely sure o)--( could i consider for now? ;______; ); 


Yeah that's fine with me! Thanks again!


yeah of course you can. i would take no answer/response as a "no", but you're still free to tell me your decision later.


I’d be willing to offer almost anyone for one of these babs




Go ahead and check all folders, I’m a bit tentative on a few


Otl, the thing's I'd do for Yulan. SJHDVLOIDJSFV ;////; Beautiful bunch of characters you have here! //bumpsthread!!


staria ok!! ty for offering star /o \ I'll hit ya up if I come up with a decision o/

RedWinderbelt Hi! Apologies but I don't think I'd use any of the characters you have more than my FMNs...and Kiku is off-limits... |___;) ;; Thank you for offering nonetheless!

Velteck sdfsdf cries/// thank you! Yulan is my precious boy, I don't think I'll ever let go of him ;_____; ) thank you so much for all the bumps! <3 


xdljgkfhg I know you said you prefer swap for your FMN/CD's + you're tentative if they're already 'paired up', but I really love your Ark ( https://toyhou.se/1554859.ark ). Since I don't have any FMNs or CDs, I was wondering if would you consider reselling Ark for $$$ or a voucher ? ; v ;