Trading/Selling CS

Posted 7 years, 2 months ago (Edited 6 years, 24 days ago) by bethanxXx

General Trade/Sale

Resale -…

Trade -…

Click Here to see what I want for trade


You can look thro my chars and see if anyone interests you to trade for the dainty slot


Aw, alright


Tabtiel thank you for the offer but I didn't see anything that I would use 


@mamabless I really like Nayeli and yushua but I can't think of anything suitable for them so I am going to have to pass. Thank you for offering though :)


I could do $40 for the slot maybe? I really want to get a MYO slot for my birthday, so maybe I could go even higher? I normally can't spend this much on art/characters, but I'll probably get money for my birthday and if not I'd still buy the slot anyway. I hope you'll consider me for this since there seems to be lots of people wanting the slot? Either way, thank you for the chance! Have a nice day!


@mama-newt like rikki just said I cannot sell the slot for more than what I have paid. This will be going against pajuxi and their rules. I will add you to my list of potential buyers but I will be picking at random 


I'm very interested in buying the slot ^~^


rikki bethanxXx aah, I'm so sorry! I just found out about dainties and I did not know about this!!


Hi! does anyone here or here (minus the xylon) interest you for Maliah? (EDIT: added the second tag to look through)


rhensei I’d be willing to trade them for the sphaerra 


bethanxXx oof i literally just got them a couple hours ago, im not ready to make a decision on whether or not i wanna keep them, is there anybody else youre interested in?