Urgent OTA Human/Humanoid Characters/Designs

Posted 1 year, 1 month ago (Edited 1 day, 16 hours ago) by ENVYJAW

Hi all, I'm currently in a money pinch and trying to sell/offer off a bunch of characters/designs I no longer want. 

Help Direly Needed
Rent and Living Costs in England right now are insane and dire- me and my family are barely scraping through. It is me, my older brother and my chronically ill disabled father who can't work. I can't work due to my own health so I need to make up whatever I can, wherever I can. Every penny matters, and if the law changes in the next few months we'll be short of approx £1000 and be unable to remain here in our home.

That being said, I will look at art and character offers aswell with a big preference to £GBP and Art.
Please do not offer me feral/anthro characters or art, it is not in my interest range!

Thank you for looking! <3

The Characters are here, click me!



(psst - your character folder link appears to be broken! I don't see anything when I click through just a "Page not found!" error)


moif OH thank you for telling me! I changed my username yesterday, that's probably what did it lol