Acc Purge // LF: OCs/Art/$$ NewJan7

Posted 6 years, 9 months ago (Edited 3 years, 8 months ago) by Aztrex

Looking for some new designs to work with as most of mine I have lost the muse for now..

I am looking for $$(priority), new designs, or even art in exchange.

The OCs/Designs I am trading; <- everything on this account <- everything here. Which is Everything on my account except for my namesake, Aztrex

Please offer whatever :) if you link folders of OCs, please let me know who you will not trade, as I don't want to look at one and get inspiration for it just to be told no.
Looking at humanoids, anthros, ferals, monsters etc.


@Keregurumi So your offer for the 3 characters is just the art; is that correct? :3


Keigurumi whoops spelt your name wrong ^^;;


Yup, art and Carmine if you still want her. xD


Keigurumi I would love her! :) Ill put them on hold for you? :) How long do you think the art will take?


I can do like 2-3 for Dakota, and 1-2 each for the anthro and draggo boi ^^

I can do detailed like this:

thought it might take a while since whenever they're detailed I tend to take a lot of time to fix certain things ^^'


Velemoon so 4-7 couple shots? That sounds fair.. Could I get Fern & Beta /

Jynx & Sparrow /

Kirin & Kingsley /

Ridley & Vincent / (mxm pairing)

Furcuh x Joseph / (mxm nd yes Furc is missing an arm)

Sable & Alaisdair / /

Woullllld that be okay??


Alright!!! So for certain characters, I kinda need to know genders because with some vernids I can't tell, but I can tell with the mxm pairings since you pointed them out ^^

Also, would you prefer them like in halfbodies or head to knee or fullbodies, or you don't mind?


Velemoon they're actually Toskals :)

Other than the mxm pairings I pointed out, they're fxm with the females first, males second :D (the showing love is as ferals tho.. anthro is whatever)

As for what kind, I always love fullbodies, but I don't actually mind as long as they're not just headshots :D

If you have questions about the species, feel free to ask :)

leolion2009 no thank you sorry


Ah I'm sorry my bad!! They look rather similar ^^'

And yes of course I kinda get bugged on headshots as well X3

Edit: Also, does it matter if they are anthro or feral?


Velemoon that's alright! It seems to be common mistake :)


Do you have a rough estimate for when it'd be done? :) just to mark it down


Okay, so if I were to estimate with what schedule I have, I can probably finish one in 1-2 days on the weekend (if I'm productive which I advise you to notify me so I can get my procrastinating butt to work X3) for the ones I really think I'd enjoy drawing like couples 3,5, and 6, but with school days, I estimate about 2-4 days, also with me being productive. I can do a quick sketch of one right now if you'd like to see ^^

Also, I can't really draw non muscular males that well, so is it alright if the males look a teeny bit buff if I can't do so?

Lastly, in the species, are the females allowed to have breasts and/or eyelashes?


Velemoon sweet! And i love sketches and WIPs so id love to see em :)

And thats okay :)

I do believe so, yes ^^


Yes please! I’m estimating about 2 weeks, I’ll try not to take too long though. I’m not working on anything else aside from my own personal art, so yea. Currently working on Lily and Cassius; going from big to small. ;v;


If Calanon is still availiable, I'd be willing to offer one of these two adopts for him! I'm even willing to throw in some art as well! Examples can be found here