Small Purge O: Characters LF paypal/art/characters

Posted 6 years, 2 months ago (Edited 2 years, 4 months ago) by KiyasamatheInu

Right now just craving some art. I can be a bit picky with art though. Please don't be upset if I decline.

Don't really need the money right now, but just trying to preen and get rid of some characters I don't use/ don't get love. Being as I don't need the money right now, I am more willing to take other offers into consideration. Please take a look here.

Depending on the cost, I may be willing to draw extra art for them for you. This is not always the case though. Maybe willing to trade or have art for some of the characters. I can be picky but feel free to offer. I prefer humanoids/kenomimi characters, if your offering characters to trade.

Here is another folder that is specifically for trades.

I'm going to entertain offers on art trades for characters, but I do have to warn I can be a bit picky with art.

Also please don’t pm me

Added BONUS! Any character that I am reselling I am offering half price art commissions on in addition to the cost.



Ahhh sorry for the late reply, it didn't tag me back to the post!;;;

Would a thigh up be okay for the 30$ one? Feel free to haggle with me tho!


ah it's okay the ping is not working for me! Thigh up is good!__yuumei do you prefer girls or boys?


Girls are good!~ Lmk which character you'd like me to draw when you can!^-^


@__yuumei would work she has a few different outfits to pick from


Ah I didn't really see an immediate character in there that really spoke to me! Thank you for your offer!ChuuyaOsamu


Okie! I'll draw her with her blue and black dress<333 she's gorgeous~ Thank you!💗


Thank you@__yuumei

Toastiannn Ik your picky but I am gonna try. I can offer animation for this? they take a lot of time and sell for $10


@Toastiannn hnnnnnnnnnnnnggggg god I appreciate animators so much! Yeah! I'd absolutely take you up on this!


HI! These two are so cute!  (1 2) Would you be interested in art for them?

Here are my examples: ( 1 2 3

Thank you for your consideration!


@scarydestiny What did you want to offer art wise?


If he is still open;
I’m willingly to offer a icon styledea27b62_original.gif?v40622491232951

For him!