
Posted 6 years, 19 days ago (Edited 4 years, 8 months ago) by Himetochan


leatherface OH MAN THIS BOY IS SO CUTE.. he would fit perfectly into my witchcraft world!! I think I'd have him be some sort of apprentice of my other daint and he does more errands for him than anything. i would love to be considered for resell!!

ALSO!! I would love to offer for if anyone in this folder interests you? Can do multiples!


Oh I love Babe!

Do these two interest you?

I'd love to keep him as a boyfriend for my other dainty, and work him into my story!

My story focuses heavily on non-human creatures so I think he'd make a good bookstore owner in one of the monster towns!


Hello there, I'm interested in purchasing Chromia, would anyone here or here interest you for him along with the partial resale? . . . If not, though, I'd also love to purchase Dotty from you when I get paid on Monday . . .

Chromia I would use for an idea I've had for a long time of a trans man idol who suffers from OCD, that rose to fame through fighting for it in contests and such, and loves to show his support for minorities . . . Dotty on the other hand would be a model, one who suffered abuse as a child, but fought to free herself from it and do something wonderful with her life . . . either one would get an extensive backstory from me as well as a fully developed personality (see my Standalones for examples!) . . .

EDIT: I thought I should mention that just because I've offered my standalones for trade doesn't mean that I'd do the same with the dainties . . . if you choose me for either one, they would get the tag "PRY THEM FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS", which is what I use for standalones that are never for trade . . .


butterfly i'll resell dotty to you! lmk when you can pay <3


Ah, thank you so much . . . I'll comment again on Monday as soon as I've deposited my paycheck . . .


If this is okay!

I am posting for my friend Sapp-h on TH and on dA

I will be doing $15 voucher for her!

Character for trade:
Two Chibis or Two half bodies!
Art examples:

My friend offers:
I will offer 4 chibis and 2 headshot (but only for girls or not as manly styled boys) to be exact

Art example: 

And the story she had in mind:

A pastel goth fairytale, a story written in golden careful not to run your fingers over the lettering, you may just get pricked. They play a black haunted violin decorated with soft coral roses, playing under the moonlight to witness and hear its true beauty, they’re almost like a walking myth, beauty unlike any other...yet there is always a dark side to each fairytale
And you know they are nearby when pink roses are in full bloom, a smell so sickeningly sweet you can’t help but be tranced by it. Dancing to the song of the haunted violin, sweet, beautiful...yet it leaves chilling goosebumps down your spine


Edit: withdrawing, so sorry! I swapped my existing dainty for another who'll suit my story. Good luck with your sales and trades though!


Hello again, I'm all ready to pay for Dotty . . . So you can either tell me your paypal and I'll send the $208 right over, or you can invoice me at [email protected] . . . As a note, though, if you don't see this within the next 40 minutes I'll be at work by then, so I'll just have to pay a few hours later when I get a break . . .


butterfly I'll pm you!


devilish i'll consider you for chromia resell!