Character purge! New added! 4/29

Posted 5 years, 3 months ago (Edited 4 years, 5 days ago) by LinBee

Hi :3 

I am open for trades on my trade folder I may accept vouchers for these. 

and I am up for offers on my for sale folder, I am open to haggling if you want to try and talk down the price. 

I am mostly looking for Human/Demihuman designs, feel free to browse my folders to see my tastes (I have a lot of them!)

Feel free to hang around and chat, I am looking to make friends, I am also into roleplaying :3

If you have discord and wanna talk pm me and I can give you my discord number.

I am also looking for art as well, I am accepting art for most things within all the folders linked above if you want to draw for an oc,

 please state what you're willing to offer and your art samples. 

EDIT* I will take voucher offers on characters in my trade folder. PM me to discuss offers.

I also accept payments plans.


Verose Sent c: Thank you so much, I am just trying to focus on my mains and de-clutter a but hahaha. I do a lot of like... impulse buys.


Thank you so much!! I was also going through your trade folder and just noticed this beautiful gal!! :O Would anyone here or here interest you for her? I'd be willing to trade multiple if you feel it's more fair!! ;o; Sorry for posting twice hehe


Mannequin I didn't see anyone ; ;


Not a problem! Thank you for look anyways! ;o;/


I'll trade you Robin for her, if you accept that 


Hey dear <3 this is an extremely long shot but worth trying ! I love this cutie ! I could offer art for her ! I'd definitely understand if you pass, just thought it was worth a shot !


EnglishPhoenix of course pm me and I'll give you my PayPal. 


Does anyone here (tentative/may need adding for some) interest you for ?


candydips I didn't see anything that I had interest in o: 

 Venette | 🥀 FairySugar

Would this one Interest you for this girl?


FairySugar She is a cutie but I don't see myself really giving her all the attention she deserves ; ; 


Ah no worries! Thanks for looking!