Posted 5 years, 2 months ago (Edited 2 years, 1 month ago) by Hoshiko



I've got some nerds here for sale?;


1848182?1522791531 8090171_TIr.jpg2599111? message me if interested!


Perhaps anyone here would interest you? 


Ethylene chaton Revontulet1982 KeikoTan Chey_Draws Senkarii Miaulogic VioletValentine870 Leviticus coldmonster ceginus Thank you for your offers, but I didn't see anything that caught my interest!

Sarubia I'm really considering one or two right now from that pile, but for now, I'll pass. However, I'll PM you if I change my mind and if they're still up for sale. <3

goldneko Thank you for telling me the price! After discussing about it with a friend, they decided they're not interested so I won't be getting her. ; v;/

Historie Sadly, the only one I'm interested in is the UFT cutie here: ; v;/ If there's something in my trade folder that interests you, I'd be down for it!

Richelia aaYYY c': <3 I'm super into this one: What's your hold time limit? (curious as I'm piling on the purchase!)

tsuyeu Ohh, I can do that and I would love to do a payment plan! Go ahead and PM me on what works for you. <3

nmfrter I'm super interested in this girl! I see she's up for sale for $15! Can you go ahead and PM me proof of ownership and I'll talk further on purchase?

BREATHES!! Okay, I'm gonna close all offers there. I'll update this thread again when I reuse it for something else. Thank you all for showing me so many lovely designs, but only a few clicked with me and I'm excited to obtain them! <3

==================== 3/24/2019 THREAD UPDATED ====================


==================== 3/28/2019 THREAD UPDATED ====================



They're cute, but their colors don't interest me! ; v;/ Thanks for the offer though!


==================== 4/04/2019 THREAD UPDATED ====================