WTA Characters (OPEN)

Posted 2 years, 8 months ago (Edited 1 year, 6 months ago) by ano_


218 Votes Yes

Reusing thread~

Please comment on this thread rather on the character itself for the WTA/DTA! -- I'll probably check and reply to this thread once/twice a week!

Free (please don't offer on characters named pending btw; you may chose to do either the WTA or DTA btw)

  • WTA: Write at least 2-3 sentences about character
  • DTA: Draw the character you want (at least flat colored)

Folder: https://toyhou.se/ano_/characters/folder:all/tags:1/tagged:F


  • Art (chibi/cute styles preferred however any can do ^^)
  • Character trades (preferences here)

Folder: https://toyhou.se/ano_/characters/folder:all/tags:2/tagged:T/extagged:Hold

Old Thread (you can ignore lol)

Edit: pls read the rules before commenting AAa ;w;;

"Do not comment on the characters but rather on this thread; link/ IC the character you want (no need to ping me since I'm subbed to the thread)"

Aaaaaa I wanna cut down on some characters (to around 1 page~) since I've got too much and I don't have enough time to write the stories I've been meaning to do with them; so I'm opening a write to adopt (wta) for the characters linked below; you can write about anything related to them (personality, backstory, etc.) but please do not write for anyone not listed there

You can also offer art/ characters/ etc. for them too I guess (I'll usually throw in a small sketch/ doodle if I got them for free though because of how time consuming it could be, I might be more tent with this option)

I won't really have a word requirement since for me personally I feel it's stressful lol but please write more than 3-4 sentences if you really want them; also just saying though, it might take a while before I choose someone due to school/ personal reasons; btw I might add more characters over time

(Only in the "a" folder; characters with ? in their names means tentative) https://toyhou.se/ano_/characters/folder:2316828

Once you get the character, please wait 1-2 weeks before gifting; don't trade/ sell without added art (free art doesn't count tho); thanks for reading and good luckk ^^

Characters I want gone (though not necessary wta but idk; I accept mainly anything -- art, trades, etc. since I just want to get rid of them)



i was afraid it would be her ;o;; i was mostly interested in kerie so i'm not sure! saw someone in the same folder as kerie id be more likely to trade for but idk if you'd do them since they werent in the link,, 


milkbvn :0 I see,, you can still try linking the other character you were interested in bc they have different levels of attachment & stuff

Also for tbn, I'd be willing to trade art for them lol

And if not, thanks for offering anywayy ^^


its ok!! and it was them ;o; https://toyhou.se/5397330.serene , id be willing to add if needed! but i understand if not, since they have the very tent tag :o

also id be willing to do art for tbn! i'm down for chibis/regular styled stuff but let me know what you like :D


milkbvn hi there! I apologize but I'll have to decline for serene as I have stuff planned for themm ;w;;

However as for the art trade, could you be willing to draw Kohi? (You can draw them chibi but any style is fine tbh) ^^


https://toyhou.se/17539618.ota hullo im interested in them! would anyone in my for sale folder be worth them?


its alright! i forgot to say i also saw miss drizzle but she has the same tag ^^;

and yea i could do them! btw are they wearing a plain t-shirt? just want to know before i work on it!!


luvskull sorry but I didn't find any characters I would use ;w;; ty for offering tho!

milkbvn and ye, it's just a plain t-shirt tbh lol (also note that there's a few design notes I added to kohi's profile btw since I forgot to put,, so hope you don't mindd ^^;)


all good! ill read those up before i start :D hoping to have it done soon!


hey i finished! heres both versions, if any edits are needed though let me know :oo



milkbvn aaAA ITS SO CUTEE ;W;; THANK YOU SMM I LOVE!!♥️ You drew Kohi rlly well aaa tysmm! Tbn is pending to you rn ^^


ano_ i'm glad you like it <33!!!i ended up forgetting to save the most recent version of it so im glad it came out ok! 😭

thank you so much for the trade and i just accepted the transfer!



I saw this character and immediately realized i need them in my life. I was thinking i’d keep the name, and she would be added to animations and artworks of mine.

her story: Serene lives in and fantasy forest with my other fantasy characters. her job is to heal any creatures and make beautiful flowers grow. One day, she found that her power wasn’t working, and was killing things instead

gonna wta offer on multiple in case one gets taken


Again another member of the fantasy forest, but i’d name her celeste and she would live in a cave full of amythst. Dragons would go to her cave to steal her jewels, but she would never let them and would chase them away. She tends to rob the dragons for other gems


She would be in my medieval universe with my main characters. She would be one of the citizens living outside the kingdom. She lives in a mushroom house, and tends to a garden. In her kid days, she would get made fun of for being part deer, but has learned to live herself. She would also most likely be good friends with my oc Sparda. (she’s not entered in TH)    


I really love https://toyhou.se/3713239.bun! I could trade this character for her if you are interested? https://toyhou.se/17705234.selling Most of the characters in my sales folder is also up for trade! 


LaggedStarlight wAA I forgot about this thread lol- but sorry, I didn't find anyone I would use, however ty for offering (& I love your artt) ^^


Ooh, I just spotted this funky guy https://toyhou.se/7868343.hollow and I had thoughts~!

Though Hollow is a close follower of King Admin, deep down he plans to take over Cyberspace for himself, and has many schemes to do this-his main one is to trigger Warware out at the very worst time, and utilize him to get Admin overthrown due to his alter's actions and paranoia. Surprisingly, neither Admin nor any of his alters have caught on to Hollow's horrible plans yet.

Hollow is in a rather rocky relationship with his wife over a number of things, and she's very close to leaving him due to his ego, though he's still convinced she's only playing, as her actually leaving would send him into a spiral that MIIIIIGHT just lead him to take more drastic measures to become king as a way to cope with his despair.

He avoids General Matrix as much as he can, as Hollow is a virus in disguise, and General Matrix would be able to tell right away if he were too close.