gift a design [any ref ed.]

Posted 5 years, 10 months ago (Edited 1 year, 3 months ago) by sweetbunberry

original thread: gift a character to the person above you
alt threads: stricter version | furry edition! | random  
this thread will operate similarly to the others, but with no forms and no requirements for gifting (i.e. reference sheets)

what happens if i'm gifted a character that i don't have a use for?
you have one of two options that i can recommend. either use the character again by gifting to another person, or sending it into the freebie bin.

you mustyou may not
indicate if you accept designs w/ nsfw/gory art or themestransfer a design w/ nsfw/gory art or themes unless specified or if user is underage
send a design to the person above three days after claimingclaim before fulfilling previous claim / delete your claim
read creator's terms of use before trading or sellingsell or trade a design received if not allowed
transfer design w/ memo "forum game (any ref)"transfer a blank profile
wait two posts before claiming againuse a form to detail a design you would like
read the transfer log to avoid sending a previously owned designsend a design the user has previously owned
tag the person you are claiminghold conversations or cause drama in this forum

07/09/2020: do not send designs generated from

you may:

- send a design without any photos except for an avatar
- send a (properly credited) generator-made design without extra art
- send a dm to sweetbunberry with any questions

  • failure to follow these simple rules will result in a warning. repeated rule breaking (three strike system) will result in a ban from participation. to appeal, please dm sweetbunberry. 
  • you must send in a character to the person above three days after posting. failure to do so will result in a temporary blacklist that will be lifted after transfer of a character.
  • users that have me blocked cannot participate in this thread.
EDIT LOG under the spoiler
edit (april 16, 2019): please keep bumping to a minimum (i.e. if a comment has been unclaimed for over six hours)

edit (october 14, 2019): starting on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2019 AT 12 AM WEBSITE TIME, participants will no longer be allowed to specify what type of design they do or do not want (i.e., you cannot say "no dollmaker designs"). this thread is purely random and you are not advised to expect "hq" designs. anyone found claiming in this manner will be subject to the three strike system.
edit (november 27, 2019): renamed thread from "gift an oc [...]" to "gift a design [...]". changed "what happens is i recieved [...]" to "what happens if i recieved [...]". removed "or, you could gift it to me for the gacha i hold once in a while!" from description.
edit (february 17, 2020): reworked rule system to be simpler, added blacklist

please mention if you accept characters with nsfw/gory art or themes!
The First Person to post will receive the first character and will not be required to give one since no one posted before them.

two strikes
     artistceilidh: deletion of comment, missed original three day deadline
     catalytic: withholding of information resulting in unfair consequences, blocked thread owner
     Toonlegion: blocked thread owner


claim, neither pls. I prefer ferals but anything is fine ^^


claim (let me the time to make a pet though ^^) sent

gore: light gore only

nsfw: ok

(preference for humanoids if you care!)


Claim, neither please!

Pastel pink/purple/blue preferred!


Claim, both in fine! Gore's encouraged actually.

//Would prefer feral or humanoid, but no anthros/"furries" please! ;;


Claim!! I'm okay with gore, but not NSFW.

I like anthros and humanoids!


Claim! Neither please, pastel purple/blue/pink/galactic themes is possible!



Gore: only light gore

NSFW: ok for humanoids (meaning no nsfw for anthropomorphic animals please)



Humanoids preferred. NSFW and Gore OK, but please avoid trypophobia triggers



Humanoid and anthro preferred 

Both nsfw and gore ok

Sending from Runningwind



Neither please!



Gore: bloody is my max

NSFW: ok for humanoids (meaning no nsfw for anthropomorphic animals please)

-humanoids preferred if you care ^^-


Claim! Both are fine, but gore is heavily encouraged!

Anything's fine, just no anthros please. ^^


Claim! Neither please!