You DRAW, I WRITE / WE Write Trades~

Posted 10 months, 5 days ago (Edited 7 months, 1 day ago) by FourandMoreEyes

Writing totally counts, right?

    I'd love to write something for you. I've already done one trade on the platform so far, but I'm itching for more.

   Check out samples of my work: toyhouse | original | fandom | blog (All links may contain NSFW + R18 elements)
   Read this bulletin and work samples before requesting a trade.

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Trading with me is very low-key and chill. I completely understand that people get busy. Just be sure to let me know every so often how things are going. If you can't finish your half, please let me know. That's all I ask. I'm pretty flexible with the things I can write; it just comes down to characters and prompts. I'm also really down for doing OC interactions. 


  • Read my trade bulletin. There are certain things I'm looking for when other people portray my characters. Please respect this.
  • At least skim my writing samples so you can get a basic understanding of my style.
  • Decide what characters you would like to have written about and link them directly when you comment. 
    • I'll allow you to drop a folder of possible characters.
    • Saying "any character is fine" will make me less likely to trade unless I'm already subbed to you.
  • Have an idea of what you want written! Even if it's a single scene or a basic genre. A little direction is better than none; it doesn't have to be 100% thought out.
  • Note that I will only do NSFW/R18 works for people who are of age. (I, myself, am old.)
Leave a comment in this thread! I don't always accept trade requests because of what's being offered, the characters, genres, or chosen subject matter. Thank you for being understanding, and if things align where we can trade in the future, that'd be great.

If I accept your request, I'd prefer if you DM'd first because you have to supply the most detail/have the most questions. I likely won't ask for anything complicated with my characters, and I want to make sure that all of your questions/concerns get answered first before I make my requests first.

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Because of I've a wider spectrum of characters, I'm pretty flexible on NSFW, R18, and R18G, but please ask first as it'll be more on a case-by-case basis. The only one that's a hard no for any of these is Tallulah, who is an actual child. Any and all aged up work for her must be SFW.


    ❌ Child violence
    ❌ Real-people fiction


★ Updated thread title to include writers as well!



Your art is so cute. I would love to see Yovanni in your style. You can draw Vanni by themself, with Eloise, or with one of your own OCs if you think the match-up is good. And you gave me a good selection of characters to work on, but I think I'll go with Mytres and Ryan! I'll get started soon, and then DM you when it's finished.

Also, thank you for responding, and I look forward to seeing what you make.


Hello! Your writing is so cool, and I'm interested with trade with you, here's my example

I can draw Eloise, even NSFW and R-18 for her. Please only ping me/DM me if you're interested, thank you!! 


I keep thinking I added my replies here, and yet— But thank y'all so much. If I don't take anyone up on their offer, I'm 100% flattered that anyone is even interested, and I just might not have found anything I would be able to stylishly contribute.



I think your style is super cute. I'd love to see Tzi or Isil (or both!) in your semi-chibi style. At first glance, they both have seemingly similar personalities, being quiet and short-spoken, but:

  • Tzi is shyer of the two considering that they've never interacted with surface folks before. They are, by a large, a protector and speak slowly and carefully when engaged.
  • Isil is quiet purely in the case of having nothing to say, but they have a go get 'em personality and can be extroverted when the opportunity presents itself.
If you draw both together, I do believe they'd both be curious about each other. Like two dogs tilting their heads in opposite directions like "??".

For your characters, I think I would be really interested in writing Reina and Kuroo together. It's been a while since I wrote HQ!!, and I think I could do something interesting with the knight/princess vibes. If you're down, I can get started, but if there's anything else you need, feel free to shoot me a DM.


Might I say your writing is splendid? I would love to trade with you, if you wish.

I'm really not looking for much! Honestly anything between 200-1000 words works for me. Just a short little something to feed the neverending brainrot I have of my blorbos. I can offer a handful of sketchy colored headshots or as many teeny pixel sprites as your heart desires (or both! Or some larger res, highly experimental pixel art, if you're willing to risk doing that).

I also do paintings but I am at this moment not offering them because they take me far too much time to finish and my art queue is already rather long (sob), but if you wish to trade for one later on when I have more free time, feel free to DM me about that!!  

As for my characters, I offer you the choice between writing about gay bikers (Tom and Seb, something fluffy for them would be nice, maybe Tom pining for Seb?) or psycho kitties (Abel and Girasol, they're absolutely out of their minds, maybe a more violent piece for them could be cool). I'm giving you creative freedom so write whatever you like but if you prefer I can also think up a few prompts for you?

Thank you for the opportunity and I hope you have a nice day :D


Oh, hey, hi! Thank you so much for your interest. Your art is absolutely gorgeous. The painting is stunning, but I completely understand why you wouldn't offer those at the moment. (Thanks for showing it off though; I'm really in love with it.)

It's so hard to choose between your headshots or the pixel sprites because I love them so much. But I think I'm going to go for the pixels for my favourite idiots right here. But if that's too many all at once, then I'll definitely take a headshot of the Shadow King in his usual form. I can just give you more details about what he's supposed to look like (Picrew can only do so much).

For my end, I have to let you know that you caught me at a perfect time. I've fallen ass over tea kettle back into my own bikers, so to see Tom and Seb here, I know exactly what I'm going to write for them.

Feel free to shoot me a DM if you want to discuss more details with things, and thank you so much for your interest!


love your writing style, it's concise and shows so much personality. I'd love to trade some art for a piece of writing!

I'd want to draw maybe Eloise or one of your TRTD characters, all of their designs look so interesting!! I'd be happy doing a full piece simple bg with 1 or 2 full bodies,hehe.

For writing, I'd love it if you wrote an interaction that's been in my head for the last couple of days of my ocs Azul and Reeves, ( If you do want to write about them I'll be able to provide all of their character details/backstory/personality and anything you may need!! ) the setting is like a 1920s gritty noir detective film. In my head, Azul, a drag performer is coming to Reeves a private eye for some help with a case that the police won't do anything about. I haven't actually thought much in detail about it so, you have all creative freedom. I really want to draw some art or comic of this scene, going off of writing would make it so much easier because writing is not.. My strong suit.
( not expecting anything long either btw )

Art examples



HEY! Hi, thank you! Your art is so lovely; I cry. Everything has such body, and your colouring is so rich. I would love to see Eloise in your style!

I'd love to write about Azul and Reeves. I used to write the 20s detective schtick all the time, so this is going to be really fun. I'll try my hand at it, and let you know how it goes. If there's anything else you need to know or want to share, feel free to toss me a DM!



I'm thinking of broadening my trades to other mediums as well including non-visual like music and voice acting. If there are enough takers, I'll update my thread title and looking for conditions accordingly.


Hello! I'd love to do any type of artwork that you feel compensates for you work in exchange for a 1000-2000 word one-shot. For me I'd love anything about my characters Lawrence and Tobin. You can do other characters if you'd like if you can't read the profiles. Feel free to have creative freedom, or if you'd like various prompts let me know!

Thank you for considering.


Hey, tellydraws. Thanks for reaching out; I don't think I'd be comfortable writing about Tobin with the subject matter of schizophrenia in his profile, but I could definitely work on Lawrence and Stephen instead if you'd like. In exchange, I'd like some art of Momoko

Feel free to DM me with some prompt ideas and/or any interaction you'd like to see written.


I'd be interested in trading and getting a story featuring two or three of my alien OCs, but I'd prefer to discuss that info through DMs if possible?

Here are examples of my art:

I don't really know what would be a fair trade for a story (For example how many characters you'd like me to draw), but I could at least do something shaded with a background like the examples I linked. If you're interested in trading and want to work out further details through DMs then that would be great ^^


If you're willing and able to draw human characters, I'm down for a trade. Shoot me a DM with the characters and what you're looking for/what you'd like written, and we'll see if we can work something out.