LF: Art Trades [Open~]

Posted 5 years, 4 months ago (Edited 4 years, 8 months ago) by Jellymon

I've really been wanting to do some art trades recently!

Here are some examples of my art if you'd like ~ X and X if you'd like. 

If you're interested in a trade just let me know if you'd like to do a fullbody, halfbody, headshot or sketch trade so I can know what to do and match it, also let me know which of your characters you'd like me to draw!! As for me, I'd be happy with any of my characters but I'd prefer somebody from here!!

Feel free to offer writing as well, You just have to let me know how much I should draw for whatever length you write 

I'll accept almost any trade unless I feel I can't do your character justice... 

What I can draw:

I'm willing to draw human(oid) characters, anthro or feral characters. 

What I won't draw:

NSFW, Mecha/ complex robots, complex armor, MLP(sorry)

Finished Trades:

1. Mirse-Mora  Done

2. Discordia Done

3. Cheyenne-Dra Done 

4. StrawberryLunala Done

5. Dead-space-foX Done

6. Sarenderpity Done

7. Stormhunters Done

8. Eich Done

9. Geschurzt  Done

10. NovaBlue Done

11. Husbrandos Done

12. Maverick_Doom Done

13.  Caerulleum  Done

14. Smolhabit Done

15. balladeerbattles Done

16. Angiedollhouse Done

17. Barbilou Done

18. Hukiolukio Done

19. Artisterna Done

20. NaotoShirogane Done



NovaBlue they’re both lovely! I can totally try to draw a full body of Kybele for you,I love drawing angel/winged characters ^^ just one question, would you like me to draw her wings attached or seperate like the ones in her image?? (sorry if this is a silly question)



aaa tysm!! :) and omg that’s not a silly question at all! separate just like her image would be great! i’ll PM you a screenshot of my sketch when I get there, just so I can keep you a little bit updated on the progress and stuff. 

thanks again!!


NovaBlue I'll try my best to keep you updated with my progress as well ^^ and no problem I love doing art trades!


if these’re still open, i’d be up for one!

i’d like to do a full bod of soap if that’s ok? bc i need to practice fulls more :’ ] anyone from https://toyhou.se/husbrandos/characters/tags:1/tagged:cuties this tag would be a-ok to draw!


husbrandos I'd love to do a trade with you ^^ Full body sound great! I'll draw Pepino if that's alright with you, Pyukumuku is sorta my favourite pokemon and I love his design


I'd be up for an art trade if you still are ^-^

I'm not sure what I'm best at, but I've been feeling more anthro and feral characters, but will try human(oid) ones if you don't mind my garbage anatomy. Examples are here.
I'd be willing to do up to a fullbody, (so essentially how ever much you'd like, I'll try to match you) the only thing that I should note is that I'm just starting out on shading so I don't really do it much or very well (I can still try, some of my examples have my basic version of shading).
If you're interested, could you do him?, if not, any of my characters are open to be drawn. (I can provide more info on all characters if requested)


Maverick_Doom You have a really nice art style I'd love to do a trade, he's got a cool design and I'd love to draw him! Would a half body trade be ok? If you could draw one of these two (Hime or Viv) that would be great, but feel free to draw any of my characters from here 


Morag A half body trade is good with me. I think I'll give that cutie, Viv, a try. Thank you for the opportunity to do a trade with you :D I'll get to work right away!


caerulleum Your art lookin pretty neat too, I'd love to do a trade with you! I can totally draw those two together, would you be able to draw a character from here? Feel free to choose whoever ^-^


Smolhabit I can Draw Milo for you! What type of trade would you like to do??


Smolhabit Don’t worry about it ^-^ A half body trade sounds good to me! I’ll get started as soon as I can