Suggestion - Images only for certain lists? (+84)

Posted 3 years, 8 months ago (Edited 1 month, 4 days ago) by zorri

I think it might be useful to have images only available for viewing by an authorization list, and not all authorized users. The reason for this is because I typically use authorizations for mutuals so that they can view my unwatermarked images, and I might not want all of them viewing certain images, if that makes sense? Instances where this could be useful are maybe personal/vent art only viewable for lists of close friends, nsfw art only viewable for lists of 18+ users/friends, etc.? This has probably already been suggested in the past, but I couldn't find a thread about it.

This is already a character privacy feature, I'd love to see it for images as well! ^^


+1 I was actually thinking about this today, wold be very useful


+1 I think it would be helpful so certain lists can see unwatermarked works and not necessarily ALL authorized users


+1 *please* omg




they just implemented this, i believe!!



