Sort images in art gallery tab

Posted 3 years, 3 months ago (Edited 2 years, 8 months ago) by Polar-Tang

Hi everyone! So, unless I'm missing something, I don't think there's an option to sort or rearrange submissions displayed in your general art gallery tab? All the art submissions credited to your account is just shown in the order it was uploaded. I know an image sorting feature exists for individual character profiles and their associated tabs or subgalleries, but I'd like it if it was extended to your account's general art gallery tab as a whole. 

I'm frustrated by the fact I can't rearrange my work to present it in a way I'd be happy with and feel comfortable with people browsing, and I'm sure others feel the same way regardless of what they use their art tab for. Having a jumbled mess of old, new and less satisfactory stuff all mixed in together with no form of organization just isn't nice to look at and a lot of us probably don't want that lazy sketch drawn for a forum game or cringy old doodle from 5+ years ago being one of the first things a visitor sees when viewing the page.

The only available solution for tidying up a messy gallery right now is changing the artist credits on your older or less satisfactory stuff to credit an alternate account (if you have one) or your profile on a different site, but that's not ideal if you have a large gallery to sort through or you don't want to remove those submissions from your art tab completely.


+1 doesn't need to be high priority but this would be cool


+1 or have a separate tab for an art portfolio, where you just upload art examples








+1 I'd love to be able to arrange my art gallery, but I don't think the suggestion of having an art portfolio tab for art examples would really fit the spirit or purpose of




ik this post is ancient but +1 +1 +1 +1 since it hasnt been implemented still
i love to do sketches or sometimes i draw A LOT for friends and sometimes when people mass upload my old work it clogs the first page and makes me super self conscious
i seriously hate that i cant rearrange the images even though this isnt necessarily a site 'for image sharing'...

i dont want people to feel bad for uploading my old work for their characters! and i dont mind it being uploaded it just doesnt feel great to see my old things first after ive improved so much, it kinda hurts, actually!

idk, my two cents


+1 pls orz


+1 I would do anything for this feature omg,, my art style is developing and I'd like to highlight the best of the best up front and center



