Rai's Codes 🍪 (New 9/24)

Posted 4 years, 11 months ago (Edited 7 months, 9 days ago) by Raichurules
New D2U theme is live - Far, Far Range!


Thanks for stopping by! Raichu here, and this is my HTML dump. I taught myself coding while editing Tumblr themes: how to read the lines, play around with what controlled this or that, etc. Now I'm here on Toyhou.se messing around with codes when I have the time.

I don't have a consistent timeline for new codes; I design in the spur of the moment or whenever my muse whacks me with the inspiration shillelagh. I do my best to make sure ALL my themes look their best on both desktop and mobile!


• 9/24/23 - Published 'Far, Far Range'
• 5/7/23 - Published 'Value Tracker'
• 3/26/23 - Released 'Sage'
• 8/17/22 - Released 'Ribbit'


Fix 'Relationship' section on Ribbit
Add image credit links to previous codes
New code headers
Finish 'Vintage'




Im using this uwu


I love Résumé!!! It’s just what I’ve been searching for one of my storylines!! Thank you!


It's been a long while, but I'm back! I was in a bit of a funk for a time there but I'm doing much better now. Apparently hanging pictures on the wall that have just been sitting in the corner on the floor for a year opened the flood-gates to DOING THINGS. I feel a lot better in general too...

So I've knocked out some things that have been on my list. I removed older codes that didn't hold up well or up to my standards. There's a new forum layout for this topic. I have two themes behind the scenes ready to go, a third one one the way (check out my WIPs in the tabs here). Deep Water will for sure be released tomorrow, just throwing some last minute touches at it.

I appreciate anyone that stuck around while waiting for me. I love testing my coding skills and it makes my day to see people like them.


Wanna know what I've been up to recently? I was making a rounded-edge square theme with an icon in the middle and thought it vaguely resembled a Pokeball...

And now I'm finishing up a simple character theme with a clickable pokeball center to reveal the info. I love it so much I also made a Master Ball varient. Should be able to release it soon!!



I'm working on getting everything published where it needs to be, but POKEBALL is done! Links will be posted in the next hour.

I'm throwing it on as Donate to Use, since the Pokeball/Masterball itself actually took a while to get right, but it feels too small to have it on its own purchase. I'm working on a few other themes that will be thrown in to D2U as well, so anyone that gets Pokeball will also be added to the D2U list to see all of them as they're released.



Hey, guys! I'm starting to wrap up two new themes. 'Just Peachy' will be a mason-grid styled layout and is in my final touch-up stage. And I've also got 'Ribbit' in the works; very round, so smooth. You can peek at both of them on my WIP Layouts page.

That being said, I was wondering (for those that look at my themes) if there are any sections or information that people prefer to have that I don't typically include. For example, I don't usually make a relationship section for my themes because I don't personally use them on my characters. Same thing goes for stats too. Are these things you guys would like to see? And/or anything else? I'd like to see if there's anything people think are missing or places I could improve.


New code new post! Ribbit is now live, check it out by clicking the pic below.



Hello, hello!

I'm... sorta back? I was starting to get really anxious just thinking about doing anything on TH for a LONG while, but it seems it's passed. Unfortunately, I came back to a lot of the coders I used to follow leaving o.o; I do really enjoy coding themes though, and I took today to rework this post and my character sales post. I have a couple of super rough layouts sketched out from like, a year ago, but I really just don't love them anymore.

So, if anyone has some requests? I have a Warrior Cats theme I'm trying to work out but after that it's up in the air on ideas.


dropping in to say that Ribbit is really cute, good lord. i've got it on my list of stuff to pick up once i have a suitable character.

also good luck with the warriors template. it looks really good so far, imo, but a bootstrap border may be a second option you could take if you wanted the practice.


Whoop Whoop, forgot to actually post. New P2U theme SAGE is live!



Screaming in *God I hate coding tables*

The struggle bus is real on this one but I'm determined to make a value tracker. Based off of those carbon copy invoice books I've seen at Walmart. I'm so, so close to getting it right.


Finished the value tracker. Still hate tables, but it's pretty simple to use. Decided to ditch the image background and just go with a bootstrap faded. Find it here!
